Convert from Bytes to bits

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Convert from Bytes to bits

Post by steve »

Hi all,

By default, the graphs is display in Bytes per second. How do you convert
the data to bits. I know where to set the display for the graph but I needed to convert the data as well.


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Post by Flux »



Post by Steve »


I figured it out after I posted it.

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Post by _Chris_ »


I have the same problem and would like to convert bytes into bits on all my traffic graphes automatically.

I followed your link and the few posts talking about it on the forum, but the scripts are not anymore up to date... (for version 6.8 of Cacti)

Does someone know how to convert bytes into bits on all my traffic graphes in an automated way?

Thanks in advance for your help,

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Post by rony »

Moved to General
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