rrd Files won't create

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rrd Files won't create

Post by Chris »

Hi there,

I set up cacti exactly as described in the install docs under Win32. The GUI runs fine but
everytime I select a Data-Source I get the following error:

Code: Select all

CANNOT FIND DATA SOURCE: /wampp13a/htdocs/monitoring/rra/server_mysql.rrd

c:/rrdtool/rrdtool.exe create \
/wampp13a/htdocs/monitoring/rra/server_mysql.rrd \
The cacti installation lives under C:\wampp13a\htdocs\monitoring and
apache and php are configured properly so far.
The only file i can see in the monitoring\rra folder is .placeholder.

Can anybody help me please to solve this problem?

With kind regards

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Location: Carlisle,PA

Same thing

Post by machoo »

I am getting the same exact thing. SOmeone please Help!! :o
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Scripts for Windows?

Post by machoo »

I finally realized, (With some MAJOR digging in the forums) why I am getting that "cannot find data" message and subsequently not getting any of the default graphs. Cacti is not creating the rrd files because the scripts need perl installed(seperate download) and the scripts are for unix only.
Correct so far?
My only question is, is there a nice little generic script that i can put into cacti so that I can verify that everything is working?
I paln on having someone experienced with perl to write some real scripts, but I wanted to verify that everthing is ship-shape before having him come out and do his thing.
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something new

Post by machoo »

I found out something new. With Apache2 the default install goes into 'C:\program files". Apparently, rrdtool.exe is unable to read the spaces in the path name. :roll: so I added quotes to the document root in cacti settings, and badda-bing :lol: the rra folder is populated.

Now if I can only get them to graph.
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graphs revealed

Post by machoo »

I don't think anyone is really listening at all. :( Probably because I ramble on like an idiot about things that have already been covered millions of times before :-? SO, I decided to once again take things into my own hands. I started from scratch, and this time I didn't just accept the defaults when installing Apache2. I installed it onto the root of c: (just like the insturctions say) and viola!! :D I have Graphs. They are blank, which I am guessing is because the default scripts only work in linux. (Someone PLEASE tell me if this is otherwise :cry: )

Anyway, heres to takin to air.
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Post by Flux »

Most of the provided scripts that came with Cacti are Unix specific. In order for them to work in a Win32 environment, you're gonna need to download and install a few more programs.

For further reading, check out this thread: http://www.raxnet.net/board/viewtopic.php?t=786

Flux :o
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almost there

Post by machoo »

Thank you Flux for your helpful link to that message thread.
I downloaded and installed ActiveState Perl and Cygwin. Added a few path statments copied the contents of the c:\php\mibs folder to c:\usr\mibs.That takes care of the PHP errors.

Things are progressing nicely, the only problem now is adding SNMP interfaces I get the following errors:

Warning: snmpwalkoid() [function.snmpwalkoid]: No response from tech-netmon-01 in c:\Apache\htdocs\cacti\include\snmp_functions.php on line 69

Warning: reset() [function.reset]: Passed variable is not an array or object in c:\Apache\htdocs\cacti\include\snmp_functions.php on line 72

Warning: key() [function.key]: Passed variable is not an array or object in c:\Apache\htdocs\cacti\include\snmp_functions.php on line 72

Warning: snmpwalkoid() [function.snmpwalkoid]: No response from tech-netmon-01 in c:\Apache\htdocs\cacti\include\snmp_functions.php on line 69

Warning: reset() [function.reset]: Passed variable is not an array or object in c:\Apache\htdocs\cacti\include\snmp_functions.php on line 72

Warning: key() [function.key]: Passed variable is not an array or object in c:\Apache\htdocs\cacti\include\snmp_functions.php on line 72

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at c:\Apache\htdocs\cacti\include\snmp_functions.php:69) in C:\Apache\htdocs\cacti\snmp.php on line 64

Any Ideas on where to start looking?
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Post by bulek »

The first error message seems to be a hint. Are you sure that tech-netmon-01 is resolvable to IP address for cacti machine? Double check your community name as well. As a test you can try to use snmpget command outside of cacti to check if your SNMP communication works.

- bulek
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SNMP install

Post by machoo »

It turns out I didn't have UCD-SNMP installed correctly. :-? I corrected my mistake and so far everything seems okay.
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