PHP: 4.4.0
MySQL: 4.0.26
RRDTool: 1.2.11
Cacti: 0.8.6g
Apache: 2.0.46
The only poller that will actually work is cmd.php. When I try to use the cacti poller, it will not do anything. The below is the output of 1 update of the poller.php using the cmd poller and 1 instance of seeing if the graphs work. There are no errors, except that I don't see any graphs at all.
Code: Select all
12/03/2005 11:38:37 AM - WEBLOG: Poller[0] CACTI2RRD: /usr/local/rrdtool/bin/rrdtool graph - --imgformat=PNG --start=1133545116 --end=1133631516 --title="Localhost - Processes" --base=1000 --height=120 --width=500 --alt-autoscale-max --lower-limit=0 COMMENT:"From 2005/12/02 11:38:36 To 2005/12/03 11:38:36\c" COMMENT:" \n" --vertical-label="processes" DEF:a="/var/www/html/smonitor/rra/localhost_proc_7.rrd":proc:AVERAGE AREA:a#F51D30:"Running Processes" GPRINT:a:LAST:"Current\:%8.0lf" GPRINT:a:AVERAGE:"Average\:%8.0lf" GPRINT:a:MAX:"Maximum\:%8.0lf"
12/03/2005 11:38:37 AM - WEBLOG: Poller[0] CACTI2RRD: /usr/local/rrdtool/bin/rrdtool graph - --imgformat=PNG --start=1133545116 --end=1133631516 --title="Localhost - Logged in Users" --rigid --base=1000 --height=120 --width=500 --alt-autoscale-max --lower-limit=0 COMMENT:"From 2005/12/02 11:38:36 To 2005/12/03 11:38:36\c" COMMENT:" \n" --vertical-label="users" DEF:a="/var/www/html/smonitor/rra/localhost_users_6.rrd":users:AVERAGE AREA:a#4668E4:"Users" GPRINT:a:LAST:"Current\:%8.0lf" GPRINT:a:AVERAGE:"Average\:%8.0lf" GPRINT:a:MAX:"Maximum\:%8.0lf"
12/03/2005 11:38:37 AM - WEBLOG: Poller[0] CACTI2RRD: /usr/local/rrdtool/bin/rrdtool graph - --imgformat=PNG --start=1133545116 --end=1133631516 --title="Localhost - Memory Usage" --rigid --base=1000 --height=120 --width=500 --alt-autoscale-max --lower-limit=0 COMMENT:"From 2005/12/02 11:38:36 To 2005/12/03 11:38:36\c" COMMENT:" \n" --vertical-label="kilobytes" DEF:a="/var/www/html/smonitor/rra/localhost_mem_buffers_3.rrd":mem_buffers:AVERAGE DEF:b="/var/www/html/smonitor/rra/localhost_mem_swap_4.rrd":mem_swap:AVERAGE AREA:a#FF4105:"Free" GPRINT:a:LAST:"Current\:%8.2lf %s" GPRINT:a:AVERAGE:"Average\:%8.2lf %s" GPRINT:a:MAX:"Maximum\:%8.2lf %s\n" STACK:b#FFC73B:"Swap" GPRINT:b:LAST:"Current\:%8.2lf %s" GPRINT:b:AVERAGE:"Average\:%8.2lf %s" GPRINT:b:MAX:"Maximum\:%8.2lf %s"
12/03/2005 11:38:37 AM - WEBLOG: Poller[0] CACTI2RRD: /usr/local/rrdtool/bin/rrdtool graph - --imgformat=PNG --start=1133545116 --end=1133631516 --title="Localhost - Load Average" --rigid --base=1000 --height=120 --width=500 --alt-autoscale-max --lower-limit=0 --units-exponent=0 COMMENT:"From 2005/12/02 11:38:36 To 2005/12/03 11:38:36\c" COMMENT:" \n" --vertical-label="processes in the run queue" DEF:a="/var/www/html/smonitor/rra/localhost_load_1min_5.rrd":load_1min:AVERAGE DEF:b="/var/www/html/smonitor/rra/localhost_load_1min_5.rrd":load_5min:AVERAGE DEF:c="/var/www/html/smonitor/rra/localhost_load_1min_5.rrd":load_15min:AVERAGE CDEF:cdefg=TIME,1133631217,GT,a,a,UN,0,a,IF,IF,TIME,1133631217,GT,b,b,UN,0,b,IF,IF,TIME,1133631217,GT,c,c,UN,0,c,IF,IF,+,+ AREA:a#EACC00:"1 Minute Average" GPRINT:a:LAST:" Current\:%8.2lf\n" STACK:b#EA8F00:"5 Minute Average" GPRINT:b:LAST:" Current\:%8.2lf\n" STACK:c#FF0000:"15 Minute Average" GPRINT:c:LAST:"Current\:%8.2lf\n" LINE1:cdefg#000000:""
12/03/2005 11:38:26 AM - POLLER: Poller[0] DEBUG: About to Spawn a Remote Process [CMD: /usr/bin/php, ARGS: -q /var/www/html/smonitor/poller_export.php]
12/03/2005 11:38:26 AM - POLLER: Poller[0] DEBUG: About to Spawn a Remote Process [CMD: /usr/bin/php, ARGS: -q /var/www/html/smonitor/poller_commands.php]
12/03/2005 11:38:26 AM - SYSTEM STATS: Time:1.0295 Method:cmd.php Processes:1 Threads:N/A Hosts:2 HostsPerProcess:2 DataSources:5 RRDsProcessed:5
12/03/2005 11:38:26 AM - POLLER: Poller[0] CACTI2RRD: /usr/local/rrdtool/bin/rrdtool update /var/www/html/smonitor/rra/localhost_proc_7.rrd --template proc 1133631505:145
12/03/2005 11:38:26 AM - POLLER: Poller[0] CACTI2RRD: /usr/local/rrdtool/bin/rrdtool update /var/www/html/smonitor/rra/localhost_users_6.rrd --template users 1133631505:1
12/03/2005 11:38:26 AM - POLLER: Poller[0] CACTI2RRD: /usr/local/rrdtool/bin/rrdtool update /var/www/html/smonitor/rra/localhost_load_1min_5.rrd --template load_1min:load_5min:load_15min 1133631505:0.31:0.17:0.13
12/03/2005 11:38:26 AM - POLLER: Poller[0] CACTI2RRD: /usr/local/rrdtool/bin/rrdtool update /var/www/html/smonitor/rra/localhost_mem_swap_4.rrd --template mem_swap 1133631505:1946208
12/03/2005 11:38:26 AM - POLLER: Poller[0] CACTI2RRD: /usr/local/rrdtool/bin/rrdtool update /var/www/html/smonitor/rra/localhost_mem_buffers_3.rrd --template mem_buffers 1133631505:61056
12/03/2005 11:38:26 AM - POLLER: Poller[0] Parsed MULTI output field '10min:0.13' [map 10min->load_15min]
12/03/2005 11:38:26 AM - POLLER: Poller[0] Parsed MULTI output field '5min:0.17' [map 5min->load_5min]
12/03/2005 11:38:26 AM - POLLER: Poller[0] Parsed MULTI output field '1min:0.31' [map 1min->load_1min]
12/03/2005 11:38:25 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] Time: 0.2535 s, Theads: N/A, Hosts: 1
12/03/2005 11:38:25 AM - PHPSVR: Poller[0] DEBUG: PHP Script Server Shutdown request received, exiting
12/03/2005 11:38:25 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] Host[1] DS[7] CMD: perl /var/www/html/smonitor/scripts/unix_processes.pl, output: 145
12/03/2005 11:38:25 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] Host[1] DS[6] CMD: perl /var/www/html/smonitor/scripts/unix_users.pl, output: 1
12/03/2005 11:38:25 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] Host[1] DS[5] CMD: perl /var/www/html/smonitor/scripts/loadavg_multi.pl, output: 1min:0.31 5min:0.17 10min:0.13
12/03/2005 11:38:25 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] Host[1] DS[4] CMD: perl /var/www/html/smonitor/scripts/linux_memory.pl SwapFree:, output: 1946208
12/03/2005 11:38:25 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] Host[1] DS[3] CMD: perl /var/www/html/smonitor/scripts/linux_memory.pl MemFree:, output: 61056
12/03/2005 11:38:25 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] Host[1] No host availability check possible for ''.
12/03/2005 11:38:25 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] Host[1] SNMP: Device does not require SNMP
12/03/2005 11:38:25 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] PHP Script Server Started Properly
12/03/2005 11:38:25 AM - PHPSVR: Poller[0] PHP Script Server has Started - Parent is cmd
12/03/2005 11:38:25 AM - PHPSVR: Poller[0] DEBUG: FILENM: /var/www/html/smonitor/script_server.php
12/03/2005 11:38:25 AM - PHPSVR: Poller[0] DEBUG: DIRNAM: /var/www/html/smonitor
12/03/2005 11:38:25 AM - PHPSVR: Poller[0] DEBUG: GETCWD: /var/www/html/smonitor
12/03/2005 11:38:25 AM - PHPSVR: Poller[0] DEBUG: SERVER: cmd
12/03/2005 11:38:25 AM - POLLER: Poller[0] DEBUG: About to Spawn a Remote Process [CMD: /usr/bin/php, ARGS: -q /var/www/html/smonitor/cmd.php 0 1]
Code: Select all
Warning: touch(): SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 0 is not allowed to access /var/www/html/smonitor/log/cacti.log owned by uid 655 in /var/www/html/smonitor/utilities.php on line 117
Warning: file(): SAFE MODE Restriction in effect. The script whose uid is 0 is not allowed to access /var/www/html/smonitor/log/cacti.log owned by uid 655 in /var/www/html/smonitor/utilities.php on line 118
Warning: file(/var/www/html/smonitor/log/cacti.log): failed to open stream: Success in /var/www/html/smonitor/utilities.php on line 118
Warning: array_reverse(): The argument should be an array in /var/www/html/smonitor/utilities.php on line 121
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /var/www/html/smonitor/utilities.php on line 126
Now if I try to use the cacti poller, (force update of poller.php)
I get this
12/03/2005 11:44:36 AM - POLLER: Poller[0] DEBUG: About to Spawn a Remote Process [CMD: /usr/bin/cactid, ARGS: 0 1]
Waiting on 1/1 pollers.
and it will scroll with "Waiting on 1/1 pollers." forever and never finish.
and here is the log from cacti poller
Code: Select all
12/03/2005 11:45:00 AM - CACTID: Poller[0] DEBUG: The Maximum SNMP OID Get Size is 10
12/03/2005 11:45:00 AM - CACTID: Poller[0] DEBUG: The PHP Script Server is Not Required
12/03/2005 11:45:00 AM - CACTID: Poller[0] DEBUG: StartHost='0', EndHost='1', TotalPHPScripts='0'
12/03/2005 11:45:00 AM - CACTID: Poller[0] DEBUG: The script timeout is 25
12/03/2005 11:45:00 AM - CACTID: Poller[0] DEBUG: The number of concurrent processes is 1
12/03/2005 11:45:00 AM - CACTID: Poller[0] DEBUG: The polling interval is the system default
12/03/2005 11:45:00 AM - CACTID: Poller[0] DEBUG: The threads variable is 1
12/03/2005 11:45:00 AM - CACTID: Poller[0] DEBUG: The log_pstats variable is 0
12/03/2005 11:45:00 AM - CACTID: Poller[0] DEBUG: The log_pwarn variable is 0
12/03/2005 11:45:00 AM - CACTID: Poller[0] DEBUG: The log_perror variable is 1
12/03/2005 11:45:00 AM - CACTID: Poller[0] DEBUG: The ping_timeout variable is 400
12/03/2005 11:45:00 AM - CACTID: Poller[0] DEBUG: The ping_retries variable is 1
12/03/2005 11:45:00 AM - CACTID: Poller[0] DEBUG: The ping_method variable is 2
12/03/2005 11:45:00 AM - CACTID: Poller[0] DEBUG: The ping_failure_count variable is 2
12/03/2005 11:45:00 AM - CACTID: Poller[0] DEBUG: The ping_recovery_count variable is 3
12/03/2005 11:45:00 AM - CACTID: Poller[0] DEBUG: The availability_method variable is 2
12/03/2005 11:45:00 AM - CACTID: Poller[0] DEBUG: The path_php variable is /usr/bin/php
12/03/2005 11:45:00 AM - CACTID: Poller[0] DEBUG: The log_destination variable is 1
12/03/2005 11:45:00 AM - POLLER: Poller[0] DEBUG: About to Spawn a Remote Process [CMD: /usr/bin/cactid, ARGS: 0 1]
12/03/2005 11:44:36 AM - CACTID: Poller[0] DEBUG: The Maximum SNMP OID Get Size is 10
12/03/2005 11:44:36 AM - CACTID: Poller[0] DEBUG: The PHP Script Server is Not Required
12/03/2005 11:44:36 AM - CACTID: Poller[0] DEBUG: StartHost='0', EndHost='1', TotalPHPScripts='0'
12/03/2005 11:44:36 AM - CACTID: Poller[0] DEBUG: The script timeout is 25
12/03/2005 11:44:36 AM - CACTID: Poller[0] DEBUG: The number of concurrent processes is 1
12/03/2005 11:44:36 AM - CACTID: Poller[0] DEBUG: The polling interval is the system default
12/03/2005 11:44:36 AM - CACTID: Poller[0] DEBUG: The threads variable is 1
12/03/2005 11:44:36 AM - CACTID: Poller[0] DEBUG: The log_pstats variable is 0
12/03/2005 11:44:36 AM - CACTID: Poller[0] DEBUG: The log_pwarn variable is 0
12/03/2005 11:44:36 AM - CACTID: Poller[0] DEBUG: The log_perror variable is 1
12/03/2005 11:44:36 AM - CACTID: Poller[0] DEBUG: The ping_timeout variable is 400
12/03/2005 11:44:36 AM - CACTID: Poller[0] DEBUG: The ping_retries variable is 1
12/03/2005 11:44:36 AM - CACTID: Poller[0] DEBUG: The ping_method variable is 2
12/03/2005 11:44:36 AM - CACTID: Poller[0] DEBUG: The ping_failure_count variable is 2
12/03/2005 11:44:36 AM - CACTID: Poller[0] DEBUG: The ping_recovery_count variable is 3
12/03/2005 11:44:36 AM - CACTID: Poller[0] DEBUG: The availability_method variable is 2
12/03/2005 11:44:36 AM - CACTID: Poller[0] DEBUG: The path_php variable is /usr/bin/php
12/03/2005 11:44:36 AM - CACTID: Poller[0] DEBUG: The log_destination variable is 1
12/03/2005 11:44:36 AM - POLLER: Poller[0] DEBUG: About to Spawn a Remote Process [CMD: /usr/bin/cactid, ARGS: 0 1]