Wanted: Flat file replacement DB in place of mysql

Anything that you think should be in Cacti.

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Wanted: Flat file replacement DB in place of mysql

Post by geekgod »

Cacti is an incredible app.

It would be even more incredible if someone could bang out a middleware piece that allows for the cacti data to be stuffed into flat file text files for embedded applications, etc.

I have not looked at the code much yet but if the database functions are all modularized then this shouldn't be too hard. Is anyone else interested in helping with this task or am I the only person with a need for this type of app?

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Why use flat files if Databases are better?

Post by dbenders »

I think that as a feature is good, but I don't think that we want to get longer delays in new features or updates in the software because of this feature.

Why some one will want to use a flat file instead of a Database? it will be much slow, less robust and will be a feature that will take resources to be updated, and I dont like to have a delay in great new features, like the new 0.8 version.

Is just my opinion any way.
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