nested Host Templates

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nested Host Templates

Post by gandalf »

When creating Host Templates e.g. for some specific network device, usually the "Generic SNMP Host" Templates will be used by that Host Template as well. This holds as well e.g. for specific server Host Templates, e.g. a webserver template will incorporate some templates specific to the OS that webserver is running on.
This reveals the fact, that Host Templates may be "nested". So I'd like to have a feature, that allows to make a reference to another Host Template from within a new Host Template. To avoid loops, this may be restricted to some level (e.g. to avoid self referencing).
Each time, a new device is defined and associated with a host template, all nested templates should be taken into account as well to make up the list of Graphs and Queries. This will allow to reduce redundancies in Host Templates.


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WebServer Host Template
   |                |
   |                ---- some Webserver specific Graph Templates
   ---- OS Host Template
          |         |
          |         --- OS specific Graph Templates (CPU, Memory, Swap, Disk, ...)
          ---- Generic SNMP Host Template
                    --- Interface Graphs (Traffic, Error, Discards, ...)
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