Hi, my name is Chris and I'm a Weathermap addict
I officially admit my addiction to cacti and the amazing Weathermap plugin...not only do I use it extensively at work, I've also got it running on my network at home monitoring just about everything I can think of LOL...and even converted three PCs and a Netbook to Ubuntu rather than Windows 7 to make it easier for me to monitor stats haha...
Anyway, here are some of my home weathermaps...first one shows my network along with performance/capacity stats for each of the PCs...the '3D' box for each PC are actually just two icons, one on top of another, so there is no background to this map...everything is a node so it can be moved around. I'm pulling out hardware sensor info via the lm-sensors MIB, disk temperatures via the smartmon tool (although I've got some Intel X25-M SSDs that obviously don't give out temperature info!) and everything else on the PCs via Net-SNMP. For the ADSL stats I'm pulling SNR Margin, Attenuation, Connection Speed and Traffic from my Billion Router. I've also got a script that runs in Cron to generate an XML feed of my ISP traffic usage every 30 minutes, so I use this to track my monthly peak/offpeak ADSL plan usage (300GB peak, 300GB offpeak).
![Home Network Weathermap](./download/file.php?id=22413&sid=11dc2cd862bc1b5da1372743b7e4430e)
- Home Network Weathermap
- weathermap-network1.png (140.17 KiB) Viewed 7685 times
The second weathermap shows my NAS share usage...again, everything is an icon so it can easily be moved around...not a big fan of having to position nodes around backgrounds! I like to keep track of much each share is using so this is useful...especially when I discovered there was over 1TB of obsolete backups in the backup share!! The info is generated from a script that runs on the NAS once a day to gather file and capacity information for each share that I've setup.
![Home NAS Weathermap](./download/file.php?id=22412&sid=11dc2cd862bc1b5da1372743b7e4430e)
- Home NAS Weathermap
- weathermap-nas1.png (195.6 KiB) Viewed 7685 times
The other weathermap is my latest creation...an actual weather weathermap!! Background is the map of Australia...I have a script running under cron that pulls in XML feeds for over 30 weather stations around Australia (I live in Perth, Western Australia) and then pulls out Temperature, Humidity, Rainfall, Wind Speed and Wind Gusts. I then use this data to create a weather 'index' - a value between 1 and 10 that gives an overview of the current weather at that station, e.g. 1 = Cold and Dry, 4 = Very Hot and Dry, 5 = Heavy Rain etc...then I use a scale tag for this index to change the Icon image depending on the weather!! So this really is a dynamic weathermap in every sense of the word!
![Australian Weather Weathermap](./download/file.php?id=22411&sid=11dc2cd862bc1b5da1372743b7e4430e)
- Australian Weather Weathermap
- weathermap-aus.png (688.19 KiB) Viewed 7685 times
I'm also getting XML feeds from another 30-40 cities around the world, so the next one will be a "world weather weathermap"!!
Thanks again Howie...love this plugin