CaMM (Cacti Message Management) plugin v1.6.7 2010-08-26

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Re: CaMM (Cacti Message Management) plugin v1.6.7 2010-08-26

Post by smlick »

The email notification from CAMM (rule with email notification on event) is not working anymore.
From Cacti email notification works (I receive UP/DOWN).

Any idea?

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Re: CaMM (Cacti Message Management) plugin v1.6.7 2010-08-26

Post by y-watanabe »


CaMM is a very cool plugin and very flexible interface to configure syslog settings.
We use it to interact with nagios.

One thing I realized is that the percentage of the syslog tree ( the most top level ) is always 0%.

Is this a bug?

If so , it would be a great help if someone can educate me the how to correct it.

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Re: CaMM (Cacti Message Management) plugin v1.6.7 2010-08-26

Post by asxce »

hi gthe,

sorry to wake you up.
Can help us with mail notification on this plugin, it seems not working.
Already tried a test mail at dns/mail tab of cacti and its working fine.

Please help..


got this solved...

my problem now, is it suddenly stop sending alert mail notification :( . But when i force run the rule, i can actually received the mail in /Maildir and can see this reflecting on mail and cacti logs. Also as i noticed when i force run the rule the overall triggered tab will increased, not just once but would double the current value, considering this i think the rule did actually run because it was triggered by a rule. but did not update and send a mail notification---i dont know exactly how to explain this ----weird---- .

BTW, in the cacti log i can see the alert being triggered and a mail action was applied by camm. but when i check my /Maildir none of the mails mentioned, from the log is seen.

Sorry bad english
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Re: CaMM (Cacti Message Management) plugin v1.6.7 2010-08-26

Post by ZerGa »

Hi all
I use syslog-ng to mysql
what coding should be used in mysql?
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Re: CaMM (Cacti Message Management) plugin v1.6.7 2010-08-26

Post by zettel »

Hello! I'm install plugin using this ... erver-1004 manual. The output of the following errors:
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Re: CaMM (Cacti Message Management) plugin v1.6.7 2010-08-26

Post by MI1 »

Hi, I can see that development for this plugins is stuck, is there anyone who can continue in development? Integration with Cacti log, and some fixes are needed. Gthe are you alive?
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Re: CaMM (Cacti Message Management) plugin v1.6.7 2010-08-26

Post by Infortel »

I have the problem that I can create rules, but they don't remain after a refresh.
I think It isn't inserted into the database.
any one an idea?

The info:

Date Fri, 21 Sep 2012 16:39:52 +0200
Cacti Version 0.8.8a
Cacti OS unix
SNMP Version NET-SNMP version: 5.4.3
RRDTool Version RRDTool 1.4.x
Hosts 97
Graphs 1098
Data Sources Script/Command: 54
SNMP: 130
SNMP Query: 949
Script Query: 2
Script Query - Script Server: 42
Total: 1177
Poller Information
Interval 60
Type SPINE 0.8.8a Copyright 2002-2012 by The Cacti Group
Items Action[0]: 2840
Action[1]: 58
Action[2]: 68
Total: 2966
Concurrent Processes 2
Max Threads 2
PHP Servers 1
Script Timeout 25
Max OID 15
Last Run Statistics Time:11.6069 Method:spine Processes:2 Threads:2 Hosts:96 HostsPerProcess:48 DataSources:2900 RRDsProcessed:1080
PHP Information
PHP Version 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.2
PHP OS Linux
PHP uname Linux 3.2.0-29-generic #46-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 27 17:03:23 UTC 2012 x86_64
PHP SNMP Installed
max_execution_time 60
memory_limit 128M
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Re: CaMM (Cacti Message Management) plugin v1.6.7 2010-08-26

Post by jumafrhe »


We are running cacti v0.8.7g and we have installed camm v1.6.7 plugin in order to use only syslog part.

Well, all seems to work fine, but we noticed when we try to click on Ip addresses on left tree pannel, sometimes nothing happens. Taking a view to Cacti log, the following message is logged when clicking on ip addresses fails:

10/23/2012 04:55:25 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Assoc Failed!, Error:'1176', SQL:" SELECT CONVERT(GROUP_CONCAT(`plugin_camm_keys`.`rule_id`) USING UTF8) as rule_id, temp_sys.*, host.description, host.host_template_id, as device_id from (SELECT id, `facility`, `priority`, `sys_date`, `host`, `message`,`sourceip`,`status` FROM `syslog`.`plugin_camm_syslog` USE INDEX (`hostname`) WHERE 1=1 and (`host` = '') and 1=1 order by sys_date desc LIMIT 0,50 ) as temp_sys Left join plugin_camm_keys on ( and plugin_camm_keys.ktype='1') Left join host on ( `host`.`hostname` ) group by id "

Anybody knows how to solve it?

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Re: CaMM (Cacti Message Management) plugin v1.6.7 2010-08-26

Post by toxi »

Hello and first thanks for the great plugin

I use kiwi syslog for device syslogs and snare for WinEvents modif in syslogs

both works very well and it will be all data written to the table plugin_camm_syslog

unfortunately are under (syslogs / messages) only device syslogs displayed which usually consist of a few lines

but the snare entries are not or only partially displayed. I think the problem lies in the definition of the column size for the message field (to short) if they are too long camm didn't display them.

All data are fully integrated into database but camm can not display all

but unfortunately all data they are longer then approximately 300 characters are not displayed

please help me (gthe i hope you read this)

sorry my english is very bad
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Re: CaMM (Cacti Message Management) plugin v1.6.7 2010-08-26

Post by toxi »

problem solved
my colleague from work has given me a solution: D

the internal json encoder from php has problems with the encode and display of the special characters we use in Germany (ä, ö, ü, etc.)

but json encoder brought with camm works fine :D and has no Problems with them
So, my colleague uncommented any lines in the file "plugin/camm/lib/camm_functions.php" which refer to the php json encoder.
now we only the the internal json encoder from camm

/ / if (function_exists () 'json_encode') {
/ / Camm_debug ("found json_encode");
/ / $ Data = json_encode ($ arr) / / encode the data in json format
/ /
/ /} Else {

^ ^ Hope i can help others with same problem
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Re: CaMM (Cacti Message Management) plugin v1.6.7 2010-08-26

Post by nandozzi »

Please i need your support.
I am using CaMM on a Cacti 0,8.8a installation. Works greatly, but i have a little problem. If i receive an SNMP Trap with Critical Severity line doesn't get any colour.
I know CaMM developer no support this plugin more, but i hpe anyone has solved this issue.
Thanks a lot to all
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Re: CaMM (Cacti Message Management) plugin v1.6.7 2010-08-26

Post by nandozzi »

Please anyone has got the function mentioned in the page 44 ?
I am speaking about the Acknowledge function written by lasylvie.
Thanks a lot to all 8)
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Re: CaMM (Cacti Message Management) plugin v1.6.7 2010-08-26

Post by nandozzi »

I have solved all my issues. If anyone need support, don't hesitate to contact me.

P.S. I am not a developer, so i can only modify code already written :)
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Re: CaMM (Cacti Message Management) plugin v1.6.7 2010-08-26

Post by nandozzi »

Hi all,
i have a new question. :P
I have this situation.
I have an alert trap that inform me about a specific problem (raid issue for example), after that i receive a trap that correct it.
There's a way to use a single colored line into Camm and not two lines (one red and one green) ?
If you want to understand better what i need, you can see how threshold works (red when there's a problem, green when always it's ok). :)
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Re: CaMM (Cacti Message Management) plugin v1.6.7 2010-08-26

Post by rukender »

Hi Guys,

I m new to SNMP and with CACTI also.

Kindly help me to solve my problem.
I have installed cacti in my debian server and i installed SNMPTT plugin also.
Till installation part everything is fine.
I can see from my web console for cacti graphs and CAMM tab(which is added as a plugin).

Now i want to configure SNMPTT to send me a alert and show me in the CAMM Gui console.

Kindly anyone help me or send me the steps which i have to follow.
So, that after following steps i would be able to see some captured TRAP packets in CAMM GUI.
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