Unable to view graphs - graph debug also not working

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Post by PiercedKnob »

So, thought i would try to look into this further. I seem to have fixed the graph issues but now i need to isolate what exactly caused it. TheWitness & BSOD2600 are correct, it is a permissions issues.

I have locked down the permissions on my F: Drive by removing the Everyone - Read access. This was mainly to protect against possible directory traversal vulnerabilities in the future.

Anyhow, i followed the guide putting in all the necessary file permissions and i was having this issues, i decided to try putting in the Everyone - Read access back to the root of the F: Drive and propergating this through the file structure and it now works.

When i get a min i will start to remove these permissions to see where the problem occurs. I have also noticed another thing, even though my php folder is in the System Path Variable, php still insists on trying to locate it in the C:\Windows folder, if you keep it in the PHP folder it will not get read, very strange.............

I now need to get the advanced ping thing running properly, for some reason when i run the poller.php at the command prompt i get "Cannot Find MOdule ......." errors (comes up too quick to see full error).

Anyhow, i will post here if i learn anything new and thanks very much for your help ppl. Obviously its not ideal leaving it as Everyone - Read so i will try and secure this further.

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Post by BSOD2600 »

Glad you got it working (mostly). So you're saying once you added Everyone back to F:\ then the graph commands were properly sent to rrdtool instead of the drive itself?

Those Cannot find <name> module errors are related to PHP unable to find the various MIB modules. Cacti does not parse MIB files so the error can be ignored. Make sure you have properly set up your MIBDIRS system variable and pointed it to the PHP MIB directory.
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Post by PiercedKnob »

This is now working on my test machine at home changing the file permissions, going to try the same at work and see if it makes a difference there also.

Will keep everyone informed :)
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Post by PiercedKnob »

Tried changing permissions on the server at work and it still isn't showing the graph, its very odd that it works on my test machine at home which i have built in exactly the same way.

Anyhow, going to try and rebuild it all from scratch and document each step as i go, lets see if i can finally get a trouble free installation of this.....who knows :)

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Post by PiercedKnob »

Right, rebuilt yet again :Sigh but got things working :Yeah.

So, i rebuilt the server and installed to all the default locations, utilising the Default Website.

When i get time i will look into why installing it to the F: Drive and creating a new site failed so badly. Obviously its not very secure to have it all installed on the C: Drve due to the possibilities of future vulnerabilities involving directory traversal techniques, etc...

I will update this thread with my findings but it may take me a while as i am really busy at work.


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Post by PiercedKnob »

Right, come to the conclusion that it all needs to be installed in its default locations for it to work correctly. Tried putting everything on F: Drive and for some reason it just doesn't work.

Now everything is on C: Drive and using the default site, it works a treat (appart from a slight issue with Advanced Ping).

Cheers everyone for your help but going to stick with the C: Drive location, even though its less secure i am not planning on allowed external access anyway.
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Post by BSOD2600 »

Weird, wonder why stuff doesnt work on a different drive letter...
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Post by PiercedKnob »

Very odd, also what was odd is that php.ini just will not work unless its in the C:\windows folder, even if its added to the path ?

Tried to put stuff in the following locations but struggled loads to get it all working correctly;


Also tried to created a new site instead of using the default.

Anyhow, all working a treat now appart from a minor issues with Advanced Ping which i have posted elsewhere.

Thanks for all your suggestions in this, it has helped me understand things further :)
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