I resolved it by changing the line in nectar.php that reads01/28/2010 11:24:13 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Assoc Failed!, Error:'1064', SQL:"SELECT plugin_nectar.id, plugin_nectar.name, plugin_nectar.intrvl, plugin_nectar.count, plugin_nectar.offset, plugin_nectar.mailtime, plugin_nectar.from_email, plugin_nectar.email, plugin_nectar.attachment_type, plugin_nectar.lastsent, plugin_nectar.enabled FROM plugin_nectar ORDER BY name ASC LIMIT -100,100"
Code: Select all
" LIMIT " . (get_request_var_request("nectar_rows")*(get_request_var_request("page")-1)) . "," . get_request_var_request("nectar_rows"));
Code: Select all
" LIMIT " . get_request_var_request("nectar_rows"));
Other than that, looks good, although for some reason when creating a new report I had to click on the tab each time to get it to display the various settings to be customized in the creation of the report (maybe an issue with Safari?).