zond plug-in v0.34c released

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Post by chrisgapske »

X505 wrote:
chrisgapske wrote:Will there be a plugin release for Plugin Arch 2.0 ?
it already works with ;)
Yes and no because there is a new management system for the new plugin Arch.

So I was wondering if we would see the new features for the new plugin arch ..

There is a new management involved.
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Post by johnrembo »

X505 wrote:hi,

for me it works very well with IE (this plugin is so cool 8))but with firefox i got a blank window and this error in the java console :

java.security.AccessControlException: access denied (java.io.FilePermission C:\WINDOWS\Fonts\COUR.TTF read)

sounds familiar to you johnrembo ?

nope...i have not encountered this.
I assume you're using non-default font and java applet can not access it.
simple permission should fix this:

find java.policy file (c:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_04\lib\security)
add the following line in the grant {} section:

Code: Select all

permission java.io.FilePermission "c:\windows\fonts\*", "read";
theoreticaly this should work.

ps: note that this must be done on EACH client pc which uses zond plugin.
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Post by johnrembo »

chrisgapske wrote:
X505 wrote:
chrisgapske wrote:Will there be a plugin release for Plugin Arch 2.0 ?
it already works with ;)
Yes and no because there is a new management system for the new plugin Arch.

So I was wondering if we would see the new features for the new plugin arch ..

There is a new management involved.
I'll adopt it within several weeks. Currently there are some prior fixes pending. New version should be introduced within several weeks.
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function returning the string "OKN", instead of in

Post by laamidd »

Hi John,
Here's my debug from last night. I'm using jre 1.6_4 on a WinXP xp2 client, with Firefox and/or IE 6. Let me know if I can provide any other info. My cacti specifics are in the .zip too.

Thanks a lot,
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Post by X505 »

johnrembo wrote: nope...i have not encountered this.
I assume you're using non-default font and java applet can not access it.
simple permission should fix this:

find java.policy file (c:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_04\lib\security)
add the following line in the grant {} section:

Code: Select all

permission java.io.FilePermission "c:\windows\fonts\*", "read";
theoreticaly this should work.

ps: note that this must be done on EACH client pc which uses zond plugin.
still the same error :(
i really don't understand how it could work with IE and not with firefox...
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Post by johnrembo »

X505 wrote:
johnrembo wrote: nope...i have not encountered this.
I assume you're using non-default font and java applet can not access it.
simple permission should fix this:

find java.policy file (c:\Program Files\Java\jre1.6.0_04\lib\security)
add the following line in the grant {} section:

Code: Select all

permission java.io.FilePermission "c:\windows\fonts\*", "read";
theoreticaly this should work.

ps: note that this must be done on EACH client pc which uses zond plugin.
still the same error :(
i really don't understand how it could work with IE and not with
that is very strange...what version on jre and firefox you're using?

java runtime environment should behave identically on both browsers.
when have you noticed this problem? what was last change made to the system?
have you changed zond font?
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Post by Marcelo »

Marcelo wrote:i try both of security methods (Cacti and applet), just for try...same result.

Way to duplicate the bug:

In the page:


view source and find the string "zond_init" and use that link (something like "plugins/zond/zond_init.php?lgid=2&s_i_d=df58087ca21b6d84e74d4d44c45e2b97") in another computer (or clear your session info) to view the graph without have been authenticated in Cacti.
That link, is similar to another one wich can be obtained from the source of zond window (something like http://*.*.*.*/cacti/plugins/zond/zond_process.php?s_i_d=df58087ca21b6d84e74d4d44c45e2b97&tasks=A VERY LARGE SESSION STRING ;))

As you can see, the "ID" of the zond process is the same, just use with zond_init.php instead of zond_process.php and enjoy the graph ;)

johnrembo: Any news?
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Post by X505 »

johnrembo wrote:
that is very strange...what version on jre and firefox you're using?

java runtime environment should behave identically on both browsers.
when have you noticed this problem? what was last change made to the system?
have you changed zond font?
both last version.
i tried zond some month ago and it works with firefox (i remember i showed it to my boss and said "look, cacti in real time it's so cool !") but i can't tell you how many change i've done on my system... updates, updates... you know. i guess i'm closed to use IE for the rest of my life :evil:
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Post by laamidd »

Hi John,
I got your private mail, but when I respond it just sits in my outbox. I hit submit, but it doesn't get sent and I don't see a way to send it from the outbox.

I don't have anything in the field for "password for request encryption" or any of the http auth fields.

Thanks again,
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Post by johnrembo »

laamidd wrote:Hi John,
I got your private mail, but when I respond it just sits in my outbox. I hit submit, but it doesn't get sent and I don't see a way to send it from the outbox.

I don't have anything in the field for "password for request encryption" or any of the http auth fields.

Thanks again,
i've got both your messages.

this cacti forum gets buggy sometimes...nothing unusual :wink:
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Post by johnrembo »

Marcelo wrote:
Marcelo wrote:i try both of security methods (Cacti and applet), just for try...same result.

Way to duplicate the bug:

In the page:


view source and find the string "zond_init" and use that link (something like "plugins/zond/zond_init.php?lgid=2&s_i_d=df58087ca21b6d84e74d4d44c45e2b97") in another computer (or clear your session info) to view the graph without have been authenticated in Cacti.
That link, is similar to another one wich can be obtained from the source of zond window (something like http://*.*.*.*/cacti/plugins/zond/zond_process.php?s_i_d=df58087ca21b6d84e74d4d44c45e2b97&tasks=A VERY LARGE SESSION STRING ;))

As you can see, the "ID" of the zond process is the same, just use with zond_init.php instead of zond_process.php and enjoy the graph ;)

johnrembo: Any news?
finaly i've found time to test this option and must asure you - it is realy working fine. Several things you should consider:
before each request zond_init.php and zond_process.php is checking if session id, which you pass in the url, is alive ( ... 4e86483cf0[/b])
If original browser windows is closed or session has timed-out - it will display "Error: Non-existing sessiong id"

how long sessions are kept on your web server depends on php's configuration. to read more on this i recommend this article: http://www.captain.at/howto-php-sessions.php

if you still fail - try setting the following in your php.ini:

Code: Select all

;100/1=100% probability php's garbage collector will work on each request (note that this will generate aditional load on your machine)
session.gc_probability = 100
session.gc_divisor     = 1
;session file will be marked as expired after 60 seconds
session.gc_maxlifetime = 60
;session files path on unix/linux environments
session.save_path = /tmp
then, login to your cacti's environment and copy zond url.
close browser. wait for 1 minute. login to cacti again (php's session garbage collector will now delete previuos session which has expired) and try the link you''ve copied. An error should occur :wink:
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Post by Marcelo »

Thanks Johnrembo, i made the php.ini modification, but now, new error show up, and still can view the graph after a few seconds.
zond.JPG (45.57 KiB) Viewed 9975 times
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Post by tman »

I'm just starting out with this plugin. Currently installed under Cacti 0.8.6j with Plugin Arch 1.1

When I click the 'Zond' button, I get the window appear, but it's completely blank. I click in the window to 'activate' the plugin, but it stays blank. Client is running Java

If I look at the Java debug file I see;

load: class netzond.netzond not found.
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: netzond.netzond
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(Unknown Source)
at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.createApplet(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletPanel.run(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
Caused by: java.io.IOException: open HTTP connection failed.
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.getBytes(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.access$100(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)
at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
... 10 more

I guess the applet needs registering, but how I do not know.

Any help?
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Post by johnrembo »

tman wrote:I'm just starting out with this plugin. Currently installed under Cacti 0.8.6j with Plugin Arch 1.1

When I click the 'Zond' button, I get the window appear, but it's completely blank. I click in the window to 'activate' the plugin, but it stays blank. Client is running Java

If I look at the Java debug file I see;

load: class netzond.netzond not found.
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: netzond.netzond
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
... 10 more

I guess the applet needs registering, but how I do not know.

Any help?
could you please try jre 1.6.04?
also...it would be nice to see class-loaders list (press 0 on console and the L)

please make sure netzond.jar can be reached through the browser (http://cacti/plugins/zond/netzond.jar)
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Re: zond plug-in v0.34b released

Post by aleu »

johnrembo wrote:note to those who runs cacti on linux(debian sarge) machines - due to specific snmp daemon configuration you might encounter images similar to 3rd from the top (cpu usage) - gaps filled with zeroes. this is not zond plugin problem but snmpd issue.
johnrembo, what are the specific settings of the snmp daemon on Debian that need to be changed for this plugin to work correctly on Debian distribution? Is it even possible?
I do not have to say that I would really love it to work on my platform, but I am getting graphs as the 3rd one described by you.
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