WeatherBug script & templates version 2.0

Templates, scripts for templates, scripts and requests for templates.

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Post by jpingle »

The observations stopped working for me quite some time ago, and when I tried to use the updated URLs in this thread, they didn't work either. I was getting results returned from Weatherbug HQ instead of my local observations.

Turns out, they not only changed to a new URL from the ones given here, but they also changed the ID code. It used to be a z-code (z6169) but now it is a different style (BDFPV). I am using observations from a school, not an airport. Funny thing is the Weatherbug site still gives the Z-code in the URL when showing the same observations.

I have since switched to the Weatherbug XML API script, which works well for me, but it still bugged me not knowing why the old one stopped. Now, they both work but I prefer the API method of obtaining the data.

The new URL that worked for me is:

Code: Select all
And I plugged in the new ID (BDFPV) at the end.

Hope this helps anyone else who has a problem with this script!
Posts: 35
Joined: Mon Feb 04, 2008 9:16 am

new user w/ weatherbug

Post by jofficer »

So I tracked down my local weather station and I imported the XML as described earlier. However at this point, I am still not getting any data on my graphs for the 'host' I created in Cacti. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

I can run the script manually and receive data:

Code: Select all

cacti scripts # perl
current_temp:32 wind_speed:10 barometer:29.90 humidity:85 high_temp:32 low_temp:31 dew_point_temp:28 wind_chill_temp:24
cacti scripts #
And I see similar results in the cacti.log file:

Code: Select all

02/04/2008 10:10:59 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] Host[19] DS[203] CMD: perl /usr/share/webapps/cacti/0.8.6j-r7/htdocs/scripts/ BKFIE, output: current_temp:32 wind_speed:5 barometer:29.90 humidity:85 high_temp:32 low_temp:31 dew_point_temp:28 wind_chill_temp:27
I've attached my current script and XML file used to import. Oh ... one more thing. When the XML file is imported, it references the script with capitalized W and B (ie vs. . I created a symlink in my scripts directory to overcome this, but just FYI.
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