There are some other values that I want to integrate in cacti, but I have absolut no clue to modify your owl.php script so that he can output me the other values (see screenshot attachements).
This was my experiment with no php/sql experience and without real success
try {
$dsn = 'sqlite:/mnt/owl/be.db'; # specify your data file
$db = new PDO($dsn);
#Fuer Zeitversetzes Einlesen der Datenbank
#$t = time() - 60*5;
$t = time();
$cur_year = date("Y", $t);
$cur_month = date("n", $t);
$cur_day = date("j", $t);
$cur_hour = date("G", $t);
$cur_min = date("i", $t) + 0; # convert '00'..'09' to '0'..'9'
#$sql = "SELECT * FROM energy_history WHERE year = $cur_year AND month = $cur_month AND day = $cur_day AND hour = $cur_hour AND min = $cur_min LIMIT 1";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM energy_param";
$result = $db->query($sql);
$data = $result->fetch();
$dsn = null;
# The below calculations are referenced to "OWL USB CONNECT user guide",
# but I'm not sure whether it's correct for your cases.
# ... rguide.pdf
$output = "supply_voltage:" . $data['value'];
#$output = "ch1_amps_avg:" . $data['ch1_amps_avg'] * 100;
#$output .= " ch1_amps_max:" . $data['ch1_amps_max'] * 100;
#$output .= " ch1_amps_min:" . $data['ch1_amps_min'] * 100;
#$output .= " ch1_kw_avg:" . $data['ch1_kw_avg'] * 63;
#$output .= " ch1_kw_max:" . $data['ch1_kw_max'] * 63;
#$output .= " ch1_kw_min:" . $data['ch1_kw_min'] * 63;
#$output .= " cost:" . $data['cost'] / 100;
#$output .= " ghg:" . $data['ghg'] / 100;
echo $output;
} catch(PDOException $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); }
Would you maybe be to kind and can help a once more?