NEW Cisco Aironet - graphing wireless AP performance - v1.1

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Post by niobe »

chryzo wrote:I had the same problem - from command-line the script worked, but NaN in Cacti. I added "tcl" (e.g. "tcl <path to cacti>/scripts/...") in the beginning of the field "input string" at Data input method -> Cisco - Dot11 Client Rate Distrubution.
Ah ok, that is because my TCL script is too unix-specific. The first 3 lines use a shell trick to run the script which doesn't work on windows:

Code: Select all

# the next line restarts using tclsh \
exec expect -- "$0" "$@"
I've updated my OP with v1.2.. calling the script with 'tclsh' will work on Windows and Unix.
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Post by bdearlove »

Good Day,
I am looking to run the script on my 1231's. One thing I noticed was TCLSH (in windows) would not work. But application tclsh85.exe works. When I run it against an AP I still get errors. What Firmware are people currently on that it is verified working on? I will try that firmware. Thanks.

tclsh85 group_dot11_client_rate.tcl -d IP SNMP 2
Error: There was a problem running snmpwalk:
SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises. = No Such Instance currently exists at this OID
Cannot find module (NOTIFICATION-LOG-MIB): At line 1 in (none)
Cannot find module (NET-SNMP-AGENT-MIB): At line 1 in (none)
Cannot find module (DISMAN-EVENT-MIB): At line 1 in (none)
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Post by bdearlove »

NM. Was my MIDIRS was pointing to the incorrect location. Working now!
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Post by angusma »

I can get following results by running the script manually

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>tclsh85.exe D:/Inetpub/wwwroot/cacti/scr
ipts/group_dot11_client_rate.tcl snmpget 2
rate_1_cnt:0 rate_2_cnt:0 rate_5_5_cnt:0 rate_6_cnt:0 rate_9_cnt:0 rate_11_cnt:0
rate_12_cnt:0 rate_18_cnt:1 rate_24_cnt:1 rate_36_cnt:0 rate_48_cnt:1 rate_54_c
nt:2 rate_avg:40

But I cannot get through Cacti and returned NaN

12/17/2009 06:39:12 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] Host[126] DS[713] CMD: tclsh85 D:/Inetpub/wwwroot/cacti/scripts/group_dot11_client_rate.tcl snmpget 2, output: U
12/17/2009 06:39:12 PM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] Host[126] DS[713] WARNING: Result from CMD not valid. Partial Result: U

My syntax is wrong? Thank you.
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Cisco 1142 ABGN

Post by tomicles »

I'm trying to get this script working with the newer 1142N AP. The script returns that there are unknown rates. This device has two radios and supports N speeds.

# tclsh ./group_dot11_client_rate.tcl -d community 2c
Error: Invalid client rate returned: 7.5
Complete snmpwalk for this device
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Post by disorganizer »

would it somehow be posisble to pull the #of associations per ssid?
for example to distinguish between a guest ssid and a user ssid?
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Re: Cisco 1142 ABGN

Post by boran11 »

tomicles wrote:....

# tclsh ./group_dot11_client_rate.tcl -d community 2c
Error: Invalid client rate returned: 7.5
I get this error too, for Aironet 1250
C1250 Software (C1250-K9W7-M), Version 12.4(21a)JA1.

Is there a solution for these newer devices?
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Re: NEW Cisco Aironet - graphing wireless AP performance - v

Post by danielneto »

niobe wrote:Version 1.2 (20090909)
  • Removed tcl script header to work better under Windows
  • Script must now be called with 'tclsh'
I haven't seen any changes on the code related to v1.2 from v1.1. Indeed, when I download the code from the link you provided, the version STILL is 1.1

Do you plan to post v1.2 soon? Thanks!

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Re: NEW Cisco Aironet - graphing wireless AP performance - v

Post by JorisFRST »

1140 series available client rates :

1.0 , 2.0 , 5.5 , 11.0 , 6.0 , 9.0 , 12.0 , 18.0 , 24.0 , 36.0 , 48.0 , 54.0 , m0. , m1. , m2. , m3. , m4. , m5. , m6. , m7. , m8. , m9. , m10. , m11. , m12. , m13. , m14. , m15. Mb/sec

I'm going to play with the script and see if I can get an output from this AP.
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Re: NEW Cisco Aironet - graphing wireless AP performance - v

Post by JorisFRST »


cDot11ClientCurrentTxRateSet output is a but weird :

14 for a 144Mbps client
0 for a 24Mbps client
H for a 36Mbps client
` for a 48Mbps client
12 for a 6.0 Mbps client
l for 12Mbps client

Or my output is screwed up in OIDView.

snmpwalk shows :

CISCO-SMI::ciscoMgmt. = Hex-STRING: 0E
CISCO-SMI::ciscoMgmt. = STRING: "$"
CISCO-SMI::ciscoMgmt. = STRING: "$"
CISCO-SMI::ciscoMgmt. = STRING: "`"
CISCO-SMI::ciscoMgmt. = STRING: "$"

So just hacking the script is nog going to get a clean solution
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Re: NEW Cisco Aironet - graphing wireless AP performance - v

Post by hangas »

I'm working on this script to make it suport 802.11n rates.
I realized that the .11n rates (or MCS indexes as their do not translate directly to speeds) are in the form of
0.0 for m0. 0.5 for m1. etc.. no biggie here.

So I created some new rate variables and added support for them, no big deal here also.

Code: Select all

			switch -- $rate {
			1.0 { incr rate_1_cnt }
			2.0 { incr rate_2_cnt }
			2.5 { incr rate_m5_cnt }
			3.0 { incr rate_m6_cnt }
			3.5 { incr rate_m7_cnt }
			5.5 { incr rate_5_5_cnt }
The problem is that basic rate 2.0 and m4. both return 2.0 so it is not possible to tell the difference between basic rates and mcs indexes solely on this variable.

The mcs basic rates seem to be the real speed in .5 mbps increments and MCS indexes seem to be coded
in sequencial order.. 1 for m1. 2 for m2. etc witch makes m4. and basic-2.0 having the same value.

How do you think I can tell them apart?
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Re: NEW Cisco Aironet - graphing wireless AP performance - v

Post by JorisFRST »


1 1 m1(7.2)
2 2 m2(14.4) 1.0
3 3 m3(28.9)
4 4 m4(43.3) 2.0
5 5 m5(57.8)
6 6 m6(65.0)
7 7 m7(72.2)
8 8 m8(14.4)
9 9 m9(28.9)
10 A m10(43.3)
11 B m11(57.8) 5.5
12 C m12(86.7) 6.0
13 D m13(115.6)
14 E m14(130)
15 F m15(144.4)
18 12 9.0
22 16 11.0
24 18 12.0
36 24 18.0
48 30 24.0
72 48 36.0
96 60 48.0
108 6C 54.0
Looks like the only option is to ignore anything under 9Mbps for the 11N AP's. And use a seperate script for 11BG / 11N AP's.
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Re: NEW Cisco Aironet - graphing wireless AP performance - v

Post by hangas »


I did that same comparison and in fact the only real overlapping rates are
basic 1.0 and m2 / basic 2.0 and m4 / basic 5.5 and m11 and basic 6.0 and m12.

I working around this assuming that 802.11n deployments don't use all the rates ate the same time.
That is also not recommended in crowed spaces anyway.

In my network the 802.11n AP are using only basic 1,5.5 and 11 for legacy clients,
and m5,m6,m7 and m13,m14,m15 for 11n clients.

Why only these? I'm limiting the 11n clients to QAM64 modulation with either 1 or 2 spatial streams. I don't want my radios changing modulation every time they have to speak with a client.

So for now I'm being successful in plotting only this rates. I'm still betting that there is some OID that tells me the PHY media to distinguish between ag and n clients.
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Re: NEW Cisco Aironet - graphing wireless AP performance - v

Post by Syntax »

Hello everyone,

I´m using this template with some AP cisco 1130 AG and it´s working well, I really like it. However I´m experiencing some "graphical bug". I joined a screen shoot of what can I see right now. As you can see I have more than one speed at the same time for the same AP. And I dont really know how to anderstand this, should I focus only on the color/speed wich is the more present ?

Thx for advise me.
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Re: NEW Cisco Aironet - graphing wireless AP performance - v

Post by srossen »

Hate to reply to an old thread but did anyone find a fix for the invalid data rate errors?
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