Juniper COS statistics - help needed

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Re: Juniper COS statistics - help needed

Post by mosiausi »

its not working. its give me an errors when i tried to load it to my cacti.
maybe i'm wrong at installation steps.

i copied the xml to resources/snmp_queries
and .php file to /scripts

after that, i tried to add it:

but it give me no result when i load it to the device:

so how can i install it? OR
if there any new template for Juniper interface queue

thanks :)
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Re: Juniper COS statistics - help needed

Post by mosiausi »

i finish the XML of data template and graph template
but i'm not successfully with the query.

i need it for network of 8 routers directly connected with 3 interfaces each router to router.
and i have 6 qeues
data template
(12.34 KiB) Downloaded 482 times
** i cant upload the graph template because. ill upload it later **
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Re: Juniper COS statistics - help needed

Post by desscartes »

hı Hipster,

Could you explain how could we use your scrıpt? could you share your graph template?

I copy your script .php in /scripts and I copy your xml in /resource .

How can we monıtor juniper Qos? could anyone explain it step by step???

Computer Science Eng.

Cenk Durak
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Re: Juniper COS statistics - help needed

Post by desscartes »


this is our Data Query Debug İnformation;

Code: Select all

+ Running data query [18].
+ Found type = '3' [SNMP Query].
+ Found data query XML file at '/var/www/html/cacti-0.8.8a/resource/snmp_queries/juniper-cos-interfaces.xml'
+ Error parsing XML file into an array.
+ Found data query XML file at '/var/www/html/cacti-0.8.8a/resource/snmp_queries/juniper-cos-interfaces.xml'
+ Found data query XML file at '/var/www/html/cacti-0.8.8a/resource/snmp_queries/juniper-cos-interfaces.xml'
+ Found data query XML file at '/var/www/html/cacti-0.8.8a/resource/snmp_queries/juniper-cos-interfaces.xml'
how can ı I fix this problem? I have "Error Parsing XML file into aray" problem,

Any idea?

Computer Science Eng.

Cenk Durak
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