BOB-151 wrote:Hello,
I'd like to know if it is possible to use the "VIA" command with
a node reference such as :
to get the link goes via the node "node-1"
I don't understand this one. Why would you want a link that goes via another node, but not at either of the endpoints?
BOB-151 wrote:
or even :
to get the link goes via the node "node-1", +10x, +30y
or also :
Code: Select all
VIA node-1:S:100
VIA node-2:SW:150
to get the link goes via 100 pixels south of "node-1"
then 150 pixels south-west of "node-2"
I think this could be much simplier to use the VIA command instead of absolute coordonates.
I can see what you mean, but I think that things are about to change for VIAs so that this is less relevant. It's possible I might add some kind of special token (like the {node:this:....} stuff), to allow anything to be positioned relative to something else, but this also makes it a lot easier to have circular references by accident. I suppose it would perhaps make it easier to have 'standard' shaped VIAs, if you regularly do things like switches with many links cascading out of them.
The new editor make it a drag&drop job to position a VIA point. The current editor (0.92+) makes sure that when you move a node, any VIAs on the links that are affected are moved appropriately (they are effectively treated as relative to the straight-line link between the nodes), and that is carried over into the new editor, too.
Thanks to jetlag from visiting LinuxWorld last week, I spent a few mornings between 5AM and 9AM working on the editor, and I'm pretty pleased with the way it works now. I hope to get this new editor into 0.94.