Windows 2000 / 2k3 Disk Statistics

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Post by dust2k »

joshm wrote:Any chance you could export your now color selected and fixed template that u fixed yourself?
no problem at all, Here it is
bug fixed version
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Post by joshm »

Thanks for posting but still having issues with these graphs... A debug of the graph and I get the following...

RRDTool Command:

n:/rrdtool/rrdtool.exe graph - \
--imgformat=PNG \
--start=-86400 \
--end=-300 \
--title="AlphaSQL (SQL3) - Disk - E:" \
--rigid \
--base=1000 \
--height=120 \
--width=500 \
--alt-autoscale-max \
--lower-limit=0 \
--vertical-label="Unit (Percent / time slice)" \
--slope-mode \
--font TITLE:10:c:/winnt/fonts/timesbd.ttf \
--font AXIS:9:c:/winnt/fonts/arial.ttf \
--font LEGEND:11:c:/winnt/fonts/arial.ttf \
--font UNIT:9:c:/winnt/fonts/arial.ttf \
DEF:a="N\:/cacti/rra/alphasql_sql3_avgdiskreadqueuelen_762.rrd":PercentDiskReadTime:LAST \
DEF:b="N\:/cacti/rra/alphasql_sql3_avgdiskreadqueuelen_762.rrd":PercentDiskWriteTim:LAST \
DEF:c="N\:/cacti/rra/alphasql_sql3_avgdiskreadqueuelen_762.rrd":AvgDiskReadQueueLen:LAST \
DEF:d="N\:/cacti/rra/alphasql_sql3_avgdiskreadqueuelen_762.rrd":AvgDiskWriteQueueLe:LAST \
DEF:e="N\:/cacti/rra/alphasql_sql3_avgdiskreadqueuelen_762.rrd":PercentFreeSpace:LAST \
DEF:f="N\:/cacti/rra/alphasql_sql3_avgdiskreadqueuelen_762.rrd":PercentDiskReadTime:LAST \
DEF:g="N\:/cacti/rra/alphasql_sql3_avgdiskreadqueuelen_762.rrd":AvgDiskReadPerSec:LAST \
DEF:h="N\:/cacti/rra/alphasql_sql3_avgdiskreadqueuelen_762.rrd":AvgDiskWritePerSec:LAST \
DEF:i="N\:/cacti/rra/alphasql_sql3_avgdiskreadqueuelen_762.rrd":PercentFreeSpace:LAST \
DEF:j="N\:/cacti/rra/alphasql_sql3_avgdiskreadqueuelen_762.rrd":FreeMegabytes:LAST \
DEF:ba="N\:/cacti/rra/alphasql_sql3_avgdiskreadqueuelen_762.rrd":FreeMegabytes:LAST \
CDEF:cdefbd=ba,1024,/ \
CDEF:cdefdc=ba,1048576,/ \
CDEF:cdefdd=a,0,*,100,+ \
AREA:f#FF6044:"Read Time(%)" \
AREA:b#00BED9:"Write Time(%)" \
LINE1:c#F5F800:"Read Queue\:" \
LINE1:d#00FF00:"Write Queue\:\n" \
LINE2:i#000000:"" \
LINE1:f#000000:"" \
LINE1:g#0000FF:"Read /s\:" \
LINE1:h#DE0056:"Write /s" \
LINE1:i#000000:"Free Space (%)\n" \
COMMENT:"Statistics" \
GPRINT:f:LAST:" Read\: (%1.1lf %%)" \
GPRINT:b:LAST:"Write\: (%1.1lf %%)" \
GPRINT:i:LAST:"Free\: (%1.1lf %%)" \
GPRINT:cdefbd:AVERAGE:"Available \: %5.2lf Gb\n" \
LINE1:ba:"Available\:" \
COMMENT:"Read IO / sec\:" \
GPRINT:g:LAST:" Current\:%8.0lf" \
GPRINT:g:AVERAGE:"Average\:%8.0lf" \
GPRINT:g:MAX:"Maximum\:%8.0lf\n" \
COMMENT:"Write IO / sec\:" \
GPRINT:h:LAST:" Current\:%8.0lf" \
GPRINT:h:AVERAGE:"Average\:%8.0lf" \
GPRINT:h:MAX:"Maximum\:%8.0lf\n" \
COMMENT:"Read Queue\:" \
GPRINT:c:LAST:" Current\:%8.0lf" \
GPRINT:c:AVERAGE:"Average\:%8.0lf" \
GPRINT:c:MAX:"Maximum\:%8.0lf\n" \
LINE1::"Free Space (Mb)" \
COMMENT:"Write Queue\:" \
GPRINT:d:LAST:" Current\:%8.0lf" \
GPRINT:d:AVERAGE:"Average\:%8.0lf" \
GPRINT:d:MAX:"Maximum\:%8.0lf\n" \
LINE1:cdefdc#FFFFFF:"" \

RRDTool Says:

ERROR: Legend set but no color: Available\:

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Post by dust2k »

Oooops, I found that one have some problem, here is the new one, but both of them works for me, I use poller.php instead of cactid.

after you import the graph template, you may need go to each graph to re-mapping those data source fields.
new one.
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broken graphs

Post by phantom_rgs »

in my hosts the graphs are show as broken

what i do?
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Post by BobDole »

I'm also getting errors:

[cut out details]
RRDTool Says:

ERROR: Legend set but no color: \n

I just upgraded to 0.8.6h this morning and these graphs broke. I've imported the last updated template that was posted but no luck.
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Post by argon0 »

The graph breaks with h, its simple to fix though and has been discussed above.

Just goto graph templates, click on the right one, one of the line items won't have a colour associated with it, click on that item and assign a colour. Ry viola, your graph should work.

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Post by BobDole »

argon0 wrote:The graph breaks with h, its simple to fix though and has been discussed above.

Just goto graph templates, click on the right one, one of the line items won't have a colour associated with it, click on that item and assign a colour. Ry viola, your graph should work.


I've added the missing color but I continue to get errors. I'm having difficulties interpreting the specific line that's having trouble. When I read the debug output the colors it lists for certain lines do not correspond to the graph template config. That or I'm just reading it wrong.
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Post by argon0 »

Can you post your Graph Debug here please?
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Post by EC »

rj wrote:Problem solved, Typo error in XML file snmp_informant_disk.xml.
Mind sharing where the typo is? I've got those same errors and can't figure it out.
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Post by kelbyc »

Has anyone finally got this workign with 0.8.6h?? If so can you please post your data query template and graph template? I've tried this version and one from another post but 0.8.6h just won't do it. The graphs show up as a red X. Everything seems to be right and I even assigned a color to every graph item but I still get the red X.
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rrdtool problem?

Post by dt9394 »

my graph sometime is "corrupted" especially the "Available" value in rra file is misplaced.
anyone have the same problem?
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Post by usefulidiot010 »

this seems like a really useful graph and seems to run the snmp query correctly yet for some reason the RRA is never created on my system.

is anyone else having issues running 0.8.6h where it is not creating the RRA?
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Post by mikesphar »

Well, I'm having trouble with this too, I've update the color for the line item that didn't have it, but I'm now getting this error:

Code: Select all

ERROR: parameter '#000000' does not represent a number in line LINE1:#000000:Free Space (Mb)
This appears to be coming from item #27:

Code: Select all

Data Source:  None
Color:  (This was none, but I set it to Black after the earlier legend error)
Graph Item Type:  LINE1
Consolidation Function: LAST
CDEF Function:  None
Value:  <blank>
GPRINT Type: Normal
Text Format:  Free Space <Mb>
Insert Hard Return:  Not checked
Sequence:  26

I'm guessing this has something to do with item#33, but I'm not clear how to fix it:

Code: Select all

Data Source:  W32 - Disk Statistics - (FreeMegabytes)
Color:  FFFFFF
Graph Item Type:  LINE1
Consolidation Function:  LAST
CDEF Function:  Kilobyte to Gigabyte
Value:  <blank>
GPRINT Type:  Gigabytes
Text Format:  <blank>
Insert Hard Return:  <not checked>
Sequence: 31
Edit: Okay, I think I got those errors resolved after I noticed the earlier post I had somehow missed before about associating the data source with the Free Space (MB) item in the graph template.

At this point I'm not getting errors but I also don't seem to be getting disk statistics, but I need to poke at it some more.
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Post by kokkers »

Man, did I have some troubles installing this template :oops:

With all its nice and flexible features Cacti is getting way too complex for the average user.
Alot of users start with Cacti without any experience in using SNMP / RRDtool or scripting whatsoever.

It is just hard to get the needed system feedback when stuff is not working as intended.

That being off my chest, this is what I had to do to get the template working properly.

(I have a running 0.8.6h Cacti environment)

- Had to fiddle with the template, manually setting the colors.
- Got rid of the free disk space (not relevant, clogging screen)
- Restructure the template, so the now crippled legend looks nice again.
- Cacti would somehow not create the corresponding RRD's (even after waiting a few cycles, fiddled some more and got it fixed)
- Read and write queue length would not get updated in the RRD (display as NaN). I had to change the OID in the data query template after looking it up doing a manual snmpwalk.
x.x.x.x.8 and x.x.x.x.x.9, had to be changed to x.x.x.x.11 and x.x.x.x.x.12
(Dont forget to reset the xml file in the dataquery settings overview!)

Hours later I got 6 working graphs...

\ o /

For what it's worth, I attached my w32_disk_template.
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Post by mikesphar »

I think part of the problem at least I was having was that the updated "corrected" templates provided by people later in this thread didn't include the data query templates. And when I imported the original data query templates along with the new updated "fixed" graph templates, you end up with a seriously munged up graph template, or at least I did.

I finally went through the whole graph template and re-ordered many items and deleted others to get it to actually look like the samples provided. Also one of the CDEFs from one of the templates seemed to have some sort of typo in it that was causing an RPN Stack Underflow error for me.

I do think I've got it mostly sorted out now, but I'm watching the stats for a while to make sure I like what I'm getting.

If nothing else, getting these templates actually working has been something of a crash course in cacti customization.
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