That is correct. The whole point is that credential is a reference to what you have in wmi-logins.phpgreg4tw wrote:because when i only update the wmi-logins.php, in the data templates there is still in the column credential the value credential set...
I am using Cacti 0.8.7d.03/19/2009 10:22:34 AM - SPINE: Poller[0] Host[170] ERROR: Empty result []: '/usr/bin/php -q /var/www/cacti/scripts/wmi.php credential Win32_ComputerSystem TotalPhysicalMemory '
How i adjust these CDEF's?
In this case you simply add/edit the wmi-logins.php so that you have something like the following in there.
Code: Select all
$logins = array();
$logins['credential'] = array('Domain/Username','Password');
You don't need to edit the templates if you simply edit/add that above. However your free to do so but it'd be time consuming and we only use it at work when we have to monitor something on an alternate domain e.g. which requires a different set of credentials.
So to recap the credential so to speak simply references a username/password set in the $logins array. By default it references a credential called credential.
The CDEF's have been explained multiple times in this thread. Try this page and look for my post about them and the differences. ... &start=105