Howto install cacti from sources?

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Post by frop »

i've tried that, but php become [defunct]...or better...
I've tried "chroot /base/chroot /usr/bin/php /webhomes/cacti/poller.php"

and php become [defunct]...

I need to know howto/where cactid search for scripts, and how to set this i can use cactid in my "normal" env...
I think cactid should dialogate only with in normal env it can write all the stats to it...then chrooted rrdtool will graphicate graphs and put them in right place...

What i'm tring to understand is if "Keeping Data" and "Graphing Data" are two separated that way, "keeping data" can be done in "normal" env, while leave "Graphing Data" task to chrooted environment.

As I have understand, cactid keep his configuration in two places:

- cactid.conf
with db auth option

- a place somewhere in /webhomes/cacti directory
the place where you decide what to graph (scripts and snmp query)

I miss something...don't know what!
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