Running snmpwalk with the community and port to access the Squid proxy directly, I get all the values I'm supposed to get, but accessing the snmpd I get:
Nothing appears in syslog from Squid when I run the snmpwalk, though snmpd does show "Connection from".:~$ snmpwalk -m /usr/share/squid/mib.txt -v 2c -c community localhost .
SQUID-MIB::squid = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of the MIB tree)
In snmpd.conf I've got
Restarting either squid or snmpd doesn't produce any messages in syslog that seem related (more to the point, doesn't produce any messages that aren't there when the snmp config is commented out).proxy -m /usr/share/squid/mib.txt -c community -v 1 localhost:3401 .
Any suggestions, since I'm stumped.