This shows, that the host responds to SNMP; thus the status is updated.vuvuzela wrote:./spine --verbosity=5 2 2
07/22/2010 11:02:06 PM - SPINE: Poller[0] Host[2] SNMP Result: Host responded to SNMP
07/22/2010 11:02:06 PM - SPINE: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL:'UPDATE host SET status='3', status_event_count='0', status_fail_date='0000-00-00 00:00:00', status_rec_date='0000-00-00 00:00:00', status_last_error='', min_time='4.529950', max_time='11.800050', cur_time='4.529950', avg_time='7.013003', total_polls='3', failed_polls='0', availability='100.0000' WHERE id='2''
That shows, that the poller_item table is empty for that host. So there's nothing to do for it.07/22/2010 11:02:06 PM - SPINE: Poller[0] DEBUG: SQL:'SELECT action, hostname, snmp_community, snmp_version, snmp_username, snmp_password, rrd_name, rrd_path, arg1, arg2, arg3, local_data_id, rrd_num, snmp_port, snmp_timeout, snmp_auth_protocol, snmp_priv_passphrase, snmp_priv_protocol, snmp_context FROM poller_item WHERE host_id=2 ORDER BY snmp_port'
07/22/2010 11:02:06 PM - SPINE: Poller[0] Host[2] DEBUG: HOST COMPLETE: About to Exit Host Polling Thread Function
cmd.php will not change status, unless poller_item has at least ONE entry for a host.
All in all, the question arises, why the poller item table is not filled. I suppose it's due to timeout issues related to the huge number of interfaces