Help with new Data Query

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Re: Help with new Data Query

Post by cewood »

Apologies for not having an explanation for this, but I managed to get the query working... I've obviously not been as methodical about my testing/troubleshooting as I would like, but my time has been quite limited and sporadic at best.

Below is the SNMP Data Query that I am currently using, however I want to split this up according to the Line Card/Module in use in the chassis, so that I can contribute back the template if worthwhile... happy to defer that to later pending your/others critique/input.

Code: Select all

        <name>ADVA Optical Power Levels</name>
        <description>Queries a ADVA device for a list of power levels</description>




                        <name>Alias (IF-MIB)</name>


                        <name>Hardware Address</name>

                        <name>Optical Input Power Low Threshold</name>

                        <name>Optical Input Power High Threshold</name>

                        <name>Optical Output Power Low Threshold</name>

                        <name>Optical Output Power High Threshold</name>

                        <name>Optical Input Power Received 15min Low</name>

                        <name>Optical Input Power Received 15min Mean</name>

                        <name>Optical Input Power Received 15min High</name>

                        <name>Optical Output Power Transmitted 15min Low</name>

                        <name>Optical Output Power Transmitted 15min Mean</name>

                        <name>Optical Output Power Transmitted 15min High</name>

Below is how I currently have the graph configured, I will update accordingly the GPRINT presets with your feedback to move away from the unnecessary CDEF functions, however I would value any suggestions you/others can provide on how to best export the data-query/graph/data-template for sharing purposes?
graph-debug.jpg (100.62 KiB) Viewed 732 times
Thank you for your help and persistence, its appreciated.

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Re: Help with new Data Query

Post by gandalf »

On the left menu, you will find "Export Templates". Select the graph template and export to a file. That's it
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Re: Help with new Data Query

Post by mixasg »

I have 4 ADVA FSP3000, and would like monitoring this. Cameron, can You publish data-query/graph/data-template?
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