[Solved] No Graph (windows installer) - RRD problem?

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Post by patrick »

Where is the PATH set in the product to configure where the RRD files are created? (i.e. <path_rra>)

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Post by BSOD2600 »

smlick: Glad you figured it out. Amazing what one finds in the manual ;-).

patrick: It's not configurable, its always going to be in the cacti subfolder. If you want it in a different location, I suggest you set up a junction link which points to the rra folder.
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Post by patrick »

BSOD2600 wrote:
patrick: It's not configurable, its always going to be in the cacti subfolder. If you want it in a different location, I suggest you set up a junction link which points to the rra folder.
Thanks! However, I see from the debugging output that it is trying to create RRD files, in my case:

E:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\cacti\rra

However, I share that webserver with other applications, so what I did was to create a VirtualServer in the httpd.conf file that looks like this:

Code: Select all

Listen 6837
NameVirtualHost *:6837
<VirtualHost *:6837>
	DocumentRoot "E:/cacti/htdocs/cacti"
	<Directory "E:/cacti/htdocs/cacti">
		Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
    		AllowOverride None
    		Order allow,deny
    		Allow from all
	ServerName sv72156:6837
	DirectoryIndex index.html index.htm index.php
In the directory "E:/cacti/htdocs/cacti" there is the corresponding "rra" subdirectory, but RRDTool keeps trying to create the RRD files in the
"E:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\htdocs\cacti\rra" directory:

Code: Select all

05/22/2008 09:44:05 AM - POLLER: Poller[0] CACTI2RRD: E:/cacti/rrdtool.exe create E:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs/cacti/rra/localhost_hdd_used_21.rrd --step 300 DS:hdd_used:GAUGE:600:0:U DS:hdd_total:GAUGE:600:0:U RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:600 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:700 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:775 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:288:797 RRA:MAX:0.5:1:600 RRA:MAX:0.5:6:700 RRA:MAX:0.5:24:775 RRA:MAX:0.5:288:797
Thoughts? I guess where I am going is that I have a sneaking suspicion that the non 8.3 DOS directory names are causing the problem.
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Post by patrick »

Sorry, I just noticed something else:
05/22/2008 10:29:05 AM - POLLER: Poller[0] CACTI2RRD: E:/cacti/rrdtool.exe update E:\cacti\htdocs\cacti\rra\localhost_hdd_used_21.rrd --template hdd_total:hdd_used N:36396068864:30734061568
Notice how the RRD "update" knows where the RRA directory that I want to be used, but the RRD "create" does not as shown below? Why is this?
05/22/2008 10:29:05 AM - POLLER: Poller[0] CACTI2RRD: E:/cacti/rrdtool.exe create E:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs/cacti/rra/localhost_hdd_used_21.rrd --step 300 DS:hdd_used:GAUGE:600:0:U DS:hdd_total:GAUGE:600:0:U RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:600 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:6:700 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:24:775 RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:288:797 RRA:MAX:0.5:1:600 RRA:MAX:0.5:6:700 RRA:MAX:0.5:24:775 RRA:MAX:0.5:288:797
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Post by patrick »

Got it. The solution was to update row identified by "web_path" in the "settings" table in the "cacti" database....

All is well now...
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Post by BSOD2600 »

patrick wrote:Got it. The solution was to update row identified by "web_path" in the "settings" table in the "cacti" database....

All is well now...

You might consider filing a bug report regarding this issue. I believe cacti sets that path on initial setup and then never modifies it again (typically shouldn't need to). Obviously some times it DOES need to be modified. http://www.cacti.net/bugs.php
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Post by patrick »

OK. I found the "problem"...

Me. :oops:

When I copied my installation over from the original location:

E:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs/cacti/

to the new location:


I didn't update the Windows scheduler to change the location of the poller.php file location as well. As a result, the following line kept updating the location of web_path in the "settings" table:

Code: Select all

/* update web paths for the poller */
	db_execute("replace into settings (name,value) values ('path_webroot','" . addslashes(($config["cacti_server_os"] == "win32") ? strtr(strtolower(substr(dirname(__FILE__), 0, 1)) . substr(dirname(__FILE__), 1),"\\", "/") : dirname(__FILE__)) . "')");
which of course, evaluates to:

E:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocs/cacti/

I am posting this in case there is anyone else who did the same..

Apologies all round.
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