AIX Host Template - Version 0.1.1

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Post by rony »

There are some issues with 64 bit kernel and snmpd. What maintenance level are you running?

Code: Select all

oslevel -r
[size=117][i][b]Tony Roman[/b][/i][/size]
[size=84][i]Experience is what causes a person to make new mistakes instead of old ones.[/i][/size]
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Post by eliniaws »

Hi Tony,


Any ideas ?
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Post by rony »

That is the latest....

I hate to say this, but call IBM support?
[size=117][i][b]Tony Roman[/b][/i][/size]
[size=84][i]Experience is what causes a person to make new mistakes instead of old ones.[/i][/size]
[size=84][i]There are only 3 way to complete a project: Good, Fast or Cheap, pick two.[/i][/size]
[size=84][i]With age comes wisdom, what you choose to do with it determines whether or not you are wise.[/i][/size]
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Post by eliniaws »

will do,

Thanks again for your time.
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Post by fmangeant »


else you can run Net-SNMP on your AIX boxes... This is what I'm doing on 4.3.3, 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 (if you want some tarballs, let me know).
[color=green]HOWTOs[/color] :
[list][*][url=]Install and configure the Net-SNMP agent for Unix[/url]
[*][url=]Install and configure the Net-SNMP agent for Windows[/url]
[*][url=]Graph multiple servers using an SNMP proxy[/url][/list]
[color=green]Templates[/color] :
[list][*][url=]Multiple CPU usage for Linux[/url]
[*][url=]Memory & swap usage for Unix[/url][/list][/size]
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Post by eliniaws »


I compiled the net-snmp daemon and I htough al would be wonderful now in the world of catcti/aix ! However d'oh, now my snmp although i can get the system information not of my snmp queries for interface etc return any data !

When I do an snmpwalk i normally get tonnes of data returned but when i do it this host runing net-snmp it comes back with only a small subset of data !

Running snmpd -r
From src code 5.0.10

Arrrggghhhh !
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Post by cjcox »

I'm trying to use the template and when I try to import it I get:
Error: XML: Hash version does not exist.

I'm using cacti 0.8.6e on SUSE 9.3
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Post by rony »

To import the template, you need to be running 0.8.6h of cacti.
[size=117][i][b]Tony Roman[/b][/i][/size]
[size=84][i]Experience is what causes a person to make new mistakes instead of old ones.[/i][/size]
[size=84][i]There are only 3 way to complete a project: Good, Fast or Cheap, pick two.[/i][/size]
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Aix SNMP Shitty

Post by Mr_V »


There stills a bug on the 64Bit Kernel of aix 5.x. hrProcessor returns an incorrect value. I openned the APAR to Austin Laboratory.. stills waiting for a patch...
Aix 4.33 snmp its tons of times more shitty.. it is not possible to obtain any kind of decent data.. and net-snmp doesnt correctly works (always on 64Bits systems)...

Cacti On 64Bits AiX = Crap
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Post by rony »

It's not cacti's fault that snmp on AIX 64 sucks. :P
[size=117][i][b]Tony Roman[/b][/i][/size]
[size=84][i]Experience is what causes a person to make new mistakes instead of old ones.[/i][/size]
[size=84][i]There are only 3 way to complete a project: Good, Fast or Cheap, pick two.[/i][/size]
[size=84][i]With age comes wisdom, what you choose to do with it determines whether or not you are wise.[/i][/size]
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Post by sqtchman74 »

rony: Is there a way to run this template on a Win2K3 machine to query an AIX machine?
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Post by Bazcor »


How can I check if my Aix (5.3-ML02) it work fine with SNMP (Net-SNMP compiled) ?

I tried to use the XML files, and did not work fine.

Cacti = RedHat 4 ES
AIX = 5.3 ML02

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Post by jbaird »

Can anyone provide me with NET-SNMP binaries for 5.3? I can not find them any longer.
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Post by rony »

This template doesn't rely on NET-SNMP... :)

Has a version compiled on 5.1, this should, work on 5.3... But I haven't tried it.
[size=117][i][b]Tony Roman[/b][/i][/size]
[size=84][i]Experience is what causes a person to make new mistakes instead of old ones.[/i][/size]
[size=84][i]There are only 3 way to complete a project: Good, Fast or Cheap, pick two.[/i][/size]
[size=84][i]With age comes wisdom, what you choose to do with it determines whether or not you are wise.[/i][/size]
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Who can help me?

Post by liimuu »

my snmpdv3.conf:
VACM_GROUP group1 SNMPv1 public -

VACM_VIEW defaultView internet - included -

# exclude snmpv3 related MIBs from the default view
VACM_VIEW defaultView snmpModules - excluded -
VACM_VIEW defaultView - included -
VACM_VIEW defaultView - included -

# exclude aixmibd managed MIBs from the default view
#VACM_VIEW defaultView - excluded -
VACM_VIEW defaultView - included -

VACM_ACCESS group1 - - noAuthNoPriv SNMPv1 defaultView - defaultView -

NOTIFY notify1 traptag trap -

TARGET_ADDRESS Target1 UDP traptag trapparms1 - - -

TARGET_PARAMETERS trapparms1 SNMPv1 SNMPv1 public noAuthNoPriv -

COMMUNITY public public noAuthNoPriv -

DEFAULT_SECURITY no-access - -

logging file=/usr/tmp/snmpdv3.log enabled
logging size=100000 level=0

smux gated_password # gated

smux muxatmd_password #muxatmd

I have imported the AIX_CACTI_TEMPLATE success," Processes " is ok,but "CPU Utilization " have a error:
RRDTool Command:
/usr/local/bin/rrdtool graph - \
--imgformat=PNG \
--start=-86400 \
--end=-300 \
--title="协同办公 - CPU Utilization" \
--base=1000 \
--height=120 \
--width=500 \
--alt-autoscale-max \
--lower-limit=0 \
--y-grid=Percent \
--vertical-label="Percent" \
--slope-mode \
DEF:a="/var/www/html/cacti/rra/_aixcpu_154.rrd":aixCPU:AVERAGE \
AREA:a#FF0000:"CPU Utilization" \
GPRINT:a:LAST:"Current\:%8.0lf" \
GPRINT:a:MIN:"Minimum\:%8.0lf" \
RRDTool Says:

ERROR: invalid y-grid format

another error:
error.GIF (89.76 KiB) Viewed 4914 times
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