I spent time playing with cactid, just to be sure it wasn't a fix, and not only does cactid not fix it, cactid demostrates the problem even when polled by hand.
But my localhost memory display is a different issue most likely. I haven't even tried to debug that because I really don't care about it, I mentioned it only in case it was helpful.
My main complaint is focused on perl scripts not working unless I run the poller from a hand-executed script. Next I will write a .sh wrapper to launch poller, and populate the .sh script with the same environment as the user. If that works, I will get to start using cron again. Perhaps there is an issue with the cron environment... for me... If it doesn't woork, I'll have to write a script that uses expect to ssh in like a user, and run poller by "hand". That script can be run from cron.
My current script uses a sleep, and while it's working well, I would prefer something run out of cron.
Non scripted data collection works great for me in all cases, so if I wan't running scripts, I would be in the camp of "it works fine, what are you whining about, you must have a bad config".
And it's not these particular scripts, it's any perl script. I haven't tested the php scripts, I suspect they work fine.
But I'm not seeing your counter problem, and I'm sure that isn't my perl problem... So we are working different bugs most likely.
I suppose I should shut-up and stop complaining... I have a work-around so I'm in good shape compared to the people that need real help.
I just hate broken stuff....
FreeBSD / cacti ports / net-snmp hosts / Counter64 issues
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