Thank you so much for your efforts! Thanks to you I have cacti running pretty smoothly.
Only one quick question. I am in the process of replacing MRTG, and I have to graph each port on about 100+ switches. I am using thold w/ your plugin system and so far it is working great. I click auto-create after I add a switch and I made a default thold template so that everything comes up great, I can add a switch in under 15 seconds.
The only issue is that when I click auto-create threshholds is that it seems to only create thresholds for traffic_in, and not both templates. I have created 2 templates in the thold template area. One is to alert over 7mbit for traffic_in and one is to alert over 7mit for traffic_out, when I click auto create it only creates them for traffic_in, so at the end of adding a switch, I have 24 ports that are correctly alerting me @ 7mbit, but only for 7mbit inbound, not both ways, so to add a threshhold for the traffic_out (which means 48 alerts per switch on a 24 prt switch), I have to manually add each one. Is there a way to make your auto-creating threshholds script make it for both traffic_in and traffic_out.
I hope I explained clearly
Thank you very very very much for your time. You have saved me EONS of time.