Index Change on Template

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Index Change on Template

Post by exy123 »

Hallo Everyone

I am trying to change the interface index from ifDescr to ifAlias reason being it is much easier to work with under graph management , working with names instead off things like Traffic - Se3/0:13.1 .

I have changed index order in the xml file and deleted all data sources for that device and have rerun the ucd lan data query but it still user the Description to list the interfaces.

Is this field that is sorts by not pulled from the template and hard coded into the cacti php maybe ? If so how can one change it or if not where can I be going wrong with the interface.xml changes ?
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Joined: Fri Mar 02, 2007 4:33 pm

Post by marnues »

probably help to post the xml file, as I think you have to change another field in the there
course, might be that the ports don't have ifAliass so it uses the next choice, which could be ifDescr
Posts: 11
Joined: Fri Aug 18, 2006 1:07 am

Xml file

Post by exy123 »

thanks please find the xml file attached , when i modify my graph templates title bar to use ifAlias rather than ifDeswcr which is default it works it is just when u index the results into db with the intial query it uses ifDescr
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