Manage Plugin 0.6.2 for monitoring networks, servers...

General discussion about Plugins for Cacti

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Post by apperrault »

Sorry it took so long to get back, my wife and I are in the process of moving and we have been working on the house, and I have been out of the office. The tables all appear to be there. Here is my Show Tables from MySQL:

Code: Select all

| Tables_in_cacti              |
| cdef                         |
| cdef_items                   |
| colors                       |
| data_input                   |
| data_input_data              |
| data_input_fields            |
| data_local                   |
| data_template                |
| data_template_data           |
| data_template_data_rra       |
| data_template_rrd            |
| graph_local                  |
| graph_template_input         |
| graph_template_input_defs    |
| graph_templates              |
| graph_templates_gprint       |
| graph_templates_graph        |
| graph_templates_item         |
| graph_tree                   |
| graph_tree_items             |
| host                         |
| host_graph                   |
| host_snmp_cache              |
| host_snmp_query              |
| host_template                |
| host_template_graph          |
| host_template_snmp_query     |
| mac_track_approved_macs      |
| mac_track_device_types       |
| mac_track_devices            |
| mac_track_interfaces         |
| mac_track_ip_ranges          |
| mac_track_ips                |
| mac_track_macauth            |
| mac_track_macwatch           |
| mac_track_oui_database       |
| mac_track_ports              |
| mac_track_processes          |
| mac_track_scan_dates         |
| mac_track_scanning_functions |
| mac_track_sites              |
| mac_track_temp_ports         |
| mac_track_vlans              |
| manage_alerts                |
| manage_device_type           |
| manage_groups                |
| manage_host                  |
| manage_host_services         |
| manage_method                |
| manage_poller_output         |
| manage_process               |
| manage_services              |
| manage_sites                 |
| manage_tcp                   |
| manage_templates             |
| plugin_discover_hosts        |
| plugin_discover_template     |
| plugin_pollperf_data         |
| plugin_update_info           |
| poller                       |
| poller_command               |
| poller_item                  |
| poller_output                |
| poller_reindex               |
| poller_time                  |
| reports                      |
| reports_data                 |
| rra                          |
| rra_cf                       |
| settings                     |
| settings_graphs              |
| settings_tree                |
| snmp_query                   |
| snmp_query_graph             |
| snmp_query_graph_rrd         |
| snmp_query_graph_rrd_sv      |
| snmp_query_graph_sv          |
| syslog                       |
| syslog_alert                 |
| syslog_incoming              |
| syslog_remove                |
| thold_data                   |
| thold_template               |
| uptime                       |
| uptime_data                  |
| user_auth                    |
| user_auth_perms              |
| user_auth_realm              |
| user_log                     |
| version                      |
The only error that I am getting is:

Code: Select all

 Champ 'mail' from table 'manage_host' : 	NOK	(0.5)
I did notice, that with this error, I am unable to add new items to be monitored, so i think that something is missing from my manage_hosts table, i just can't figure it out from the SQL statements.

Let me know


[b]Cacti Version[/b] - 0.8.7b
[b]Plugin Architecture[/b] - 2.2 Beta
[b]Poller Type[/b] - CMD.php
[b]Server Info[/b] - Linux 2.6.9-78.0.1.ELsmp
[b]Web Server[/b] - Apache/2.0.52 (Red Hat)
[b]PHP[/b] - 4.3.9
[b]MySQL[/b] - 4.1.22
[b]RRDTool[/b] - 1.2.23
[b]SNMP[/b] - 5.1.2
[b]Plugins[/b][list]Global Plugin Settings (settings - v0.5)
SuperLinks (superlinks - v0.72)
Host Info (hostinfo - v0.2)
Report Creator (reports - v0.3)
Update Checker (update - v0.4)
Realtime for Cacti (realtime - v0.35)
Cacti Log View (clog - v1.1)
RRD File Cleaner (rrdclean - v0.36)
Network Discovery (discovery - v0.9)
Uptime (uptime - v0.4)[/list]
Cacti User
Posts: 379
Joined: Fri Feb 16, 2007 11:37 am
Location: Emeryville, CA

Post by apperrault »

Well i'll be damned, i figured it out!! For some reason the following line was not processed during the upgrade:

Code: Select all

 ALTER TABLE manage_host ADD `mail` TEXT;
Once i processed that line, everything is happy!!!

Now on to try out the discovery plugin from the SVN.

[b]Cacti Version[/b] - 0.8.7b
[b]Plugin Architecture[/b] - 2.2 Beta
[b]Poller Type[/b] - CMD.php
[b]Server Info[/b] - Linux 2.6.9-78.0.1.ELsmp
[b]Web Server[/b] - Apache/2.0.52 (Red Hat)
[b]PHP[/b] - 4.3.9
[b]MySQL[/b] - 4.1.22
[b]RRDTool[/b] - 1.2.23
[b]SNMP[/b] - 5.1.2
[b]Plugins[/b][list]Global Plugin Settings (settings - v0.5)
SuperLinks (superlinks - v0.72)
Host Info (hostinfo - v0.2)
Report Creator (reports - v0.3)
Update Checker (update - v0.4)
Realtime for Cacti (realtime - v0.35)
Cacti Log View (clog - v1.1)
RRD File Cleaner (rrdclean - v0.36)
Network Discovery (discovery - v0.9)
Uptime (uptime - v0.4)[/list]
Cacti User
Posts: 50
Joined: Sun Apr 01, 2007 12:47 am

Post by benton2006 »

I only can receive reboot mail .And I find DOWN server in the table manage_host statut='treshold' . Who can help me ?
Host Information

Cacti Version 0.8.6j
Plugin Architecture 1.1
Poller Type Cactid v0.8.6i
Server Info Linux 2.4.21-27.EL
Web Server Apache/1.3.37 (Unix) PHP/4.4.6
PHP Version 4.4.6
PHP Extensions xml, tokenizer, standard, session, posix, overload, mysql, ctype, pcre, apache
MySQL Version 4.1.22-log
RRDTool Version 1.0.50
SNMP Version 5.0.9
Plugins Thresholds (thold - v0.3.2)
Device Monitoring (monitor - v0.7)
Network Tools (tools - v0.2)
Update Checker (update - v0.3)
Host Info (hostinfo - v0.1)
rrdclean (RRD Cleaner - v1.2 (Hack Gilles Boulon))
Read-only Devices Tab (devices - v0.4)
Create Aggregate Graphs (aggregate - v0.62)
PHP Network Managing (manage - v0.5.1)

It's my setting:
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Post by sbala »

mcutting wrote:sbala - Have you specified email addresses to send alerts to in Manage settings ? Does the email facility work in Thold ?

Can you post the output of a test email send in Thold ? Which PHP version ?
Hello mcutting,

Thold is sending thold alerts perfectly. Please see my installation detail below:

Base : CentOS 4.3
Manage : 0.5.1
THold : 0.2.9
PHP : 4.3.9

Appreciate your help
smtp test.JPG
smtp test.JPG (31.1 KiB) Viewed 3602 times
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Post by mcutting »

sbala - Click on DEVICE MANAGING / DEVICE. Choose one of the devices in question, and have a look at the HOST THRESHOLD field. This is probably set to "0". If it is, set this to "1" or a higher number if you don't want to be alerted unless the device is down more than 1 poll.

Save the setting, and then test - let me know the outcome.
Cacti Version 0.8.8b
Cacti OS Ubuntu LTS
RRDTool Version RRDTool 1.4.7
Poller Information
Type SPINE 0.8.8b
Posts: 4
Joined: Sun May 06, 2007 10:58 pm
Location: UAE

Post by sbala »

Mcutting, sorry man i got to stop the alerts. Our exchange administrator thinks that cacti is wrecking havok on his server! :x

I bet he is barking at the wrong tree. I will let you know when Im ready to proceed. Thanks for the help.
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Post by mcutting »

Benton2006 - have a look at the post I left for sbala - this should also apply to the same problem you are having.

Let me know if this works for you.
Cacti Version 0.8.8b
Cacti OS Ubuntu LTS
RRDTool Version RRDTool 1.4.7
Poller Information
Type SPINE 0.8.8b
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Post by mcutting »

Gilles - Will you be releasing Manage 0.5.2 soon ? I was looking at the overlib you have in the screenshots, but can't seem to find this on the version I have - is this new ?
Cacti Version 0.8.8b
Cacti OS Ubuntu LTS
RRDTool Version RRDTool 1.4.7
Poller Information
Type SPINE 0.8.8b
Posts: 13
Joined: Sat Jan 21, 2006 7:52 pm

Post by Dave96 »

Can anyone get the Host treshold to work?

I set a device with 5 in the Host treshold field and was alerted on the first down event. Isn't it supposed to alert me only on the fifth down event?
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Post by tviktor »

where i can get the latest version of manage plugin?
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Post by mcutting »

Dave96 wrote:Can anyone get the Host treshold to work?

I set a device with 5 in the Host treshold field and was alerted on the first down event. Isn't it supposed to alert me only on the fifth down event?
I had this same issue. It was due to having a 0 in the threshold for each host initially. Removing the host, re-adding it, and then setting the threshold after the first poll fixes this.
Cacti Version 0.8.8b
Cacti OS Ubuntu LTS
RRDTool Version RRDTool 1.4.7
Poller Information
Type SPINE 0.8.8b
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Location: United Kingdom

Post by mcutting »

tviktor wrote:where i can get the latest version oft manage plugin?
Look at the first page of this topic. All the download links are listed there. The most up-to-date (and stable) release is 0.5.1.
Cacti Version 0.8.8b
Cacti OS Ubuntu LTS
RRDTool Version RRDTool 1.4.7
Poller Information
Type SPINE 0.8.8b
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Post by ABX »

How fast can this plugin detect that a host is down, does it use the default 5 minutes polling interval or can you specify a custom ping interval?
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Post by mcutting »

If you use the CACTI poller, it will be 5 minutes. If you use the MANAGE poller, you can set it to be whatever interval you want.
Cacti Version 0.8.8b
Cacti OS Ubuntu LTS
RRDTool Version RRDTool 1.4.7
Poller Information
Type SPINE 0.8.8b
Cacti User
Posts: 68
Joined: Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:55 am

Post by ABX »

Sweet, I'll give it a try.
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