Ubuntu 6.06.1 with default LAMP install:
Apache 2
rrdtool 1.2.11
I'm able to create devices just fine, but when I try to create any graph for any device, I get the following error:
Code: Select all
RRDTool Command:
/usr/bin/rrdtool graph - \
--imgformat=PNG \
--start=-86400 \
--end=-300 \
--title="Localhost - Load Average" \
--rigid \
--base=1000 \
--height=120 \
--width=500 \
--alt-autoscale-max \
--lower-limit=0 \
--units-exponent=0 \
--vertical-label="processes in the run queue" \
--slope-mode \
DEF:a="/var/www/cacti/rra/localhost_load_1min_29.rrd":load_1min:AVERAGE \
DEF:b="/var/www/cacti/rra/localhost_load_1min_29.rrd":load_5min:AVERAGE \
DEF:c="/var/www/cacti/rra/localhost_load_1min_29.rrd":load_15min:AVERAGE \
CDEF:cdefg=TIME,1177104187,GT,a,a,UN,0,a,IF,IF,TIME,1177104187,GT,b,b,UN,0,b,IF,IF,TIME,1177104187,GT,c,c,UN,0,c,IF,IF,+,+ \
AREA:a#EACC00:"1 Minute Average" \
GPRINT:a:LAST:" Current\:%8.2lf\n" \
AREA:b#EA8F00:"5 Minute Average":STACK \
GPRINT:b:LAST:" Current\:%8.2lf\n" \
AREA:c#FF0000:"15 Minute Average":STACK \
GPRINT:c:LAST:"Current\:%8.2lf\n" \
RRDTool Says:
ERROR: opening '/var/www/cacti/rra/localhost_load_1min_29.rrd': No such file or directory
Also, nothing is getting put into the log file.
Any help would be very appreciated! Please let me know if there's any other infomation I can give that would be useful in figuring out what's going wrong.