Custom start pages?

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Custom start pages?

Post by tdjb »

Has anyone come up with a way to point certain users directly to a page (IE plugin page) once they login?

To give you some background on why I'm asking: I've got sections of tabs added to our Cacti install, each grouping is for certain devices. Some of these tabs link to outside pages not in Cacti. I can turn off what tabs users see just like other plugins BUT I must always either check "View graphs" or "Console access" in the user settings. If I do not set these then the user can't login. I'd like to have the user login and just see these tabs we've added and not have access to the console or graphs or at least not have the tabs for the console or graphs show up.

I am just starting PHP and I assume this wouldn't be a major task but it's a little bit over my head so any help would be appreciated. I read an old post about a possible hook that would do this being added into the plugin arch but I don't see any documentation for it at

Thanks in advance.
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