Newest version of mactrack

Support questions about the MAC Track plugin

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Newest version of mactrack

Post by Dacob9906 »

With all the talk about the newest version of mactrack on the cactiuser page and the svc, I'm kind of confused... where can I download the REAL newest version of mactrack to run on my windows serv2003 box running 0.8.6j? Thanks!!
Jacob Bergman
Pullman School District

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Post by TheWitness »

If you run with Windows, you need PHP5.1++ with a custom php_snmp.dll file that uses "bulk" walk method. Windows is a bit behind in the PHP space.

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Post by Dacob9906 »

I suppose that might explain why my mactrack doesn't work... I am running php 5.2.0. Could you run through real quick on how I would get it working on my windows platform, this is all new to me, trying to learn as I go. Thanks!

Such as, will php 5.2.0 work, and where do i get the php_snmp.dll file and where do I put it when I get it? That kinda stuff?
Jacob Bergman
Pullman School District

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Post by TheWitness »

MacTrack should work provided you have a recent enough version of Cacti. The issue with the "light years faster" version of PHP_SNMP.DLL is that the current distribution works on UCD SNMP and not the "modern" NET-SNMP where the "bulk" methods are available.

I compiled the PHP_SNMP.DLL module myself allowing me to leverage the bulk functions. It requires a code change that I have been unable to convince anyone at PHP to make.

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Post by Dacob9906 »

ok, well, I'm using the beta windows installer 1.5 from BSOD which uses cacti 0.8.6j, and newer versions of everything. The only thing I changed was the version of PHP back from 5.2.1 to 5.2.0 because 2.1 had some bug in it that was causing W3 services to fail randomly.
Jacob Bergman
Pullman School District

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Post by Dacob9906 »

This is what I am getting in my Cacti log when mactrack tried to run... maybe you can help.... maybe not :P

04/17/2007 10:04:22 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "ALTER TABLE `mac_track_temp_ports` ADD INDEX `ip_address`(`ip_address`);"
04/17/2007 10:04:22 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "ALTER TABLE `mac_track_ports` ADD INDEX `dns_hostname`(`dns_hostname`);"
04/17/2007 10:04:22 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "ALTER TABLE `mac_track_ports` ADD INDEX `port_name`(`port_name`);"
04/17/2007 10:04:22 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "ALTER TABLE `mac_track_devices` ADD INDEX `device_type_id`(`device_type_id`);"
04/17/2007 10:04:22 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "ALTER TABLE `mac_track_devices` ADD COLUMN `device_type_id` INT(10) UNSIGNED DEFAULT 0 AFTER `device_id`;"
04/17/2007 10:04:22 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "ALTER TABLE `mac_track_devices` ADD INDEX `snmp_sysDescr`(`snmp_sysDescr`), ADD INDEX `snmp_sysObjectID`(`snmp_sysObjectID`);"
04/17/2007 10:04:22 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "CREATE TABLE `mac_track_scan_dates` (`scan_date` DATETIME NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00', PRIMARY KEY(`scan_date`));"
04/17/2007 10:04:22 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "ALTER TABLE `mac_track_device_types` DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY(`sysDescr_match`, `sysObjectID_match`, `device_type`), ADD INDEX `device_type_id`(`device_type_id`);"
04/17/2007 10:04:21 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "ALTER TABLE `mac_track_sites` ADD COLUMN `total_oper_ports` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `total_user_ports`;"
04/17/2007 10:04:21 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "ALTER TABLE `mac_track_devices` DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY(`hostname`, `snmp_port`, `site_id`), ADD INDEX `device_id`(`device_id`);"
04/17/2007 10:04:21 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "CREATE TABLE `mac_track_scanning_functions` (`scanning_function` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `description` VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY(`scanning_function`));"
04/17/2007 10:04:21 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "ALTER TABLE `mac_track_devices` ADD COLUMN `snmp_sysContact` VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT '' AFTER `snmp_sysLocation`;"
04/17/2007 10:04:21 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "ALTER TABLE `mac_track_devices` ADD COLUMN `snmp_sysLocation` VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT '' AFTER `snmp_sysName`;"
04/17/2007 10:04:21 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "ALTER TABLE `mac_track_devices` ADD COLUMN `snmp_sysName` VARCHAR(100) DEFAULT '' AFTER `snmp_retries`;"
04/17/2007 10:04:21 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "ALTER TABLE `mac_track_devices` ADD COLUMN `macs_active` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER `ports_trunk`;"
04/17/2007 10:04:21 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "ALTER TABLE `mac_track_devices` ADD COLUMN `snmp_port` INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '161' AFTER `snmp_version`;"
04/17/2007 10:04:21 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "ALTER TABLE `mac_track_ips` ADD COLUMN `dns_hostname` VARCHAR(200) DEFAULT '' AFTER `ip_address`;"
04/17/2007 10:04:21 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "ALTER TABLE `mac_track_temp_ports` ADD COLUMN `dns_hostname` VARCHAR(200) DEFAULT '' AFTER `ip_address`;"
04/17/2007 10:04:21 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "ALTER TABLE `mac_track_ports` ADD COLUMN `dns_hostname` VARCHAR(200) DEFAULT '' AFTER `ip_address`;"
Jacob Bergman
Pullman School District

Operating System: winserv 2003
Webserver: IIS 6.0
Cacti: BETA windows installer 1.5 (BSOD2600)
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Joined: Thu Apr 19, 2007 8:47 am

Post by Isamu »


I'm also interested in where exactly the newest version of MACTrack that runs on Windows 2003 that Dacob9906 and I are looking for. Do you have a direct link?

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Post by Isamu »

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Post by Dacob9906 »

That appears to be what I needed, I just failed to notice the plugins link on the main page of the SVN. Thanks a bunch, I have gotten it installed and am waiting for the first pole to run, maybe it will work out better for me the this time.
Jacob Bergman
Pullman School District

Operating System: winserv 2003
Webserver: IIS 6.0
Cacti: BETA windows installer 1.5 (BSOD2600)
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Post by Dacob9906 »

After attempting to go from 0.0.1b to the newest svn... this is what i get:

04/19/2007 10:48:38 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "INSERT INTO mac_track_ports (site_id, device_id, hostname, dns_hostname, device_name, vlan_id, vlan_name, mac_address, vendor_mac, ip_address, port_number, port_name, scan_date) SELECT site_id, device_id, hostname, dns_hostname, device_name, vlan_id, vlan_name, mac_address, vendor_mac, ip_address, port_number, port_name, scan_date FROM mac_track_temp_ports"
04/19/2007 10:48:33 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "DELETE FROM mac_track_vlans WHERE present='0'"
04/19/2007 10:48:33 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "INSERT INTO mac_track_vlans (vlan_id, site_id, device_id, vlan_name, present) SELECT vlan_id, site_id, device_id, vlan_name, '1' AS present FROM mac_track_temp_ports ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE vlan_name=VALUES(vlan_name), present=VALUES(present);"
04/19/2007 10:48:33 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "UPDATE mac_track_vlans SET present='0'"
04/19/2007 10:48:33 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "UPDATE mac_track_temp_ports SET vendor_mac=SUBSTRING(mac_address,1,8);"
04/19/2007 10:48:11 AM - SYSTEM STATS: Time:191.1074 Method:cactid Processes:2 Threads:10 Hosts:60 HostsPerProcess:30 DataSources:3410 RRDsProcessed:1726
04/19/2007 10:47:39 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Cell Failed "SELECT COUNT(mac_track_devices.device_id) FROM mac_track_sites RIGHT JOIN mac_track_devices ON mac_track_devices.site_id = mac_track_sites.site_id WHERE ((mac_track_devices.hostname like '%%%%' OR mac_track_devices.device_name like '%%%%' OR mac_track_devices.notes like '%%%%'))"
04/19/2007 10:47:39 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Assoc Failed "SELECT mac_track_devices.site_id, mac_track_sites.site_name, mac_track_devices.device_id, mac_track_devices.device_name, mac_track_devices.notes, mac_track_devices.hostname, mac_track_devices.snmp_readstring, mac_track_devices.snmp_readstrings, mac_track_devices.snmp_version, mac_track_devices.snmp_port, mac_track_devices.snmp_timeout, mac_track_devices.snmp_retries, mac_track_devices.snmp_status, mac_track_devices.ignorePorts, mac_track_devices.disabled, mac_track_devices.scan_type, mac_track_devices.ips_total, mac_track_devices.ports_total, mac_track_devices.ports_active, mac_track_devices.ports_trunk, mac_track_devices.macs_active, mac_track_devices.last_rundate, mac_track_devices.last_runmessage, mac_track_devices.last_runduration FROM mac_track_sites RIGHT JOIN mac_track_devices ON mac_track_devices.site_id = mac_track_sites.site_id WHERE ((mac_track_devices.hostname like '%%%%' OR mac_track_devices.device_name like '%%%%' OR mac_track_devices.notes like '%%%%')) ORDER BY site_name ASC LIMIT 0,30"
04/19/2007 10:47:08 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Assoc Failed "SELECT DISTINCT vlan_id, vlan_name FROM mac_track_vlans ORDER BY vlan_name ASC"
04/19/2007 10:47:08 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Assoc Failed "SELECT device_id, device_name, hostname FROM mac_track_devices ORDER BY device_name"
04/19/2007 10:43:25 AM - SYSTEM STATS: Time:204.6165 Method:cactid Processes:2 Threads:10 Hosts:60 HostsPerProcess:30 DataSources:3410 RRDsProcessed:1726
04/19/2007 10:40:21 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Assoc Failed "SELECT DISTINCT vlan_id, vlan_name FROM mac_track_vlans ORDER BY vlan_name ASC"
04/19/2007 10:40:21 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Assoc Failed "SELECT device_id, device_name, hostname FROM mac_track_devices ORDER BY device_name"
04/19/2007 10:37:57 AM - SYSTEM STATS: Time:174.2378 Method:cactid Processes:2 Threads:10 Hosts:60 HostsPerProcess:30 DataSources:3410 RRDsProcessed:1726
04/19/2007 10:34:11 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Assoc Failed "SELECT count(*) FROM mac_track_macauth "
04/19/2007 10:34:11 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Assoc Failed "SELECT * FROM mac_track_macauth ORDER BY mac_address ASC LIMIT 0,30"
04/19/2007 10:34:09 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Assoc Failed "SELECT count(*) FROM (mac_track_macwatch "
04/19/2007 10:34:09 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Assoc Failed "SELECT * FROM mac_track_macwatch ORDER BY name ASC LIMIT 0,30"
04/19/2007 10:33:55 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Assoc Failed "SELECT mac_track_processes.process_id, mac_track_devices.device_name, mac_track_processes.device_id, mac_track_processes.start_date FROM mac_track_devices INNER JOIN mac_track_processes ON (mac_track_devices.device_id = mac_track_processes.device_id) WHERE mac_track_processes.device_id != '0'"
04/19/2007 10:33:49 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Cell Failed "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mac_track_oui_database "
04/19/2007 10:33:49 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Assoc Failed "SELECT * FROM mac_track_oui_database ORDER BY vendor_mac ASC LIMIT 0,7"
04/19/2007 10:33:45 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "REPLACE INTO mac_track_scanning_functions (scanning_function, type) VALUES ('get_standard_arp_table', '2')"
04/19/2007 10:33:45 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "REPLACE INTO mac_track_scanning_functions (scanning_function, type) VALUES ('Not Applicable - Hub/Switch', '2')"
04/19/2007 10:33:45 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "REPLACE INTO mac_track_scanning_functions (scanning_function, type) VALUES ('get_foundry_switch_ports', '1')"
04/19/2007 10:33:45 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "REPLACE INTO mac_track_scanning_functions (scanning_function, type) VALUES ('get_procurve_switch_ports', '1')"
04/19/2007 10:33:45 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "REPLACE INTO mac_track_scanning_functions (scanning_function, type) VALUES ('get_norbay_switch_ports', '1')"
04/19/2007 10:33:45 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "REPLACE INTO mac_track_scanning_functions (scanning_function, type) VALUES ('get_IOS_dot1dTpFdbEntry_ports', '1')"
04/19/2007 10:33:45 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "REPLACE INTO mac_track_scanning_functions (scanning_function, type) VALUES ('get_catalyst_dot1dTpFdbEntry_ports', '1')"
04/19/2007 10:33:45 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "REPLACE INTO mac_track_scanning_functions (scanning_function, type) VALUES ('get_repeater_rev4_ports', '1')"
04/19/2007 10:33:45 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "REPLACE INTO mac_track_scanning_functions (scanning_function, type) VALUES ('get_cabletron_switch_ports', '1')"
04/19/2007 10:33:45 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "REPLACE INTO mac_track_scanning_functions (scanning_function, type) VALUES ('get_generic_wireless_ports', '1')"
04/19/2007 10:33:45 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "REPLACE INTO mac_track_scanning_functions (scanning_function, type) VALUES ('get_generic_switch_ports', '1')"
04/19/2007 10:33:45 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "REPLACE INTO mac_track_scanning_functions (scanning_function, type) VALUES ('get_generic_dot1q_switch_ports', '1')"
04/19/2007 10:33:45 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Exec Failed "REPLACE INTO mac_track_scanning_functions (scanning_function, type) VALUES ('Not Applicable - Router', 1)"
04/19/2007 10:33:42 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Cell Failed "SELECT COUNT(mac_track_devices.device_id) FROM mac_track_sites RIGHT JOIN mac_track_devices ON mac_track_devices.site_id = mac_track_sites.site_id WHERE ((mac_track_devices.hostname like '%%%%' OR mac_track_devices.device_name like '%%%%' OR mac_track_devices.notes like '%%%%'))"
04/19/2007 10:33:42 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Assoc Failed "SELECT mac_track_devices.site_id, mac_track_sites.site_name, mac_track_devices.device_id, mac_track_devices.device_name, mac_track_devices.notes, mac_track_devices.hostname, mac_track_devices.snmp_readstring, mac_track_devices.snmp_readstrings, mac_track_devices.snmp_version, mac_track_devices.snmp_port, mac_track_devices.snmp_timeout, mac_track_devices.snmp_retries, mac_track_devices.snmp_status, mac_track_devices.ignorePorts, mac_track_devices.disabled, mac_track_devices.scan_type, mac_track_devices.ips_total, mac_track_devices.ports_total, mac_track_devices.ports_active, mac_track_devices.ports_trunk, mac_track_devices.macs_active, mac_track_devices.last_rundate, mac_track_devices.last_runmessage, mac_track_devices.last_runduration FROM mac_track_sites RIGHT JOIN mac_track_devices ON mac_track_devices.site_id = mac_track_sites.site_id WHERE ((mac_track_devices.hostname like '%%%%' OR mac_track_devices.device_name like '%%%%' OR mac_track_devices.notes like '%%%%')) ORDER BY site_name ASC LIMIT 0,30"
04/19/2007 10:33:36 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Cell Failed "SELECT COUNT(mac_track_devices.device_id) FROM mac_track_sites RIGHT JOIN mac_track_devices ON mac_track_devices.site_id = mac_track_sites.site_id WHERE ((mac_track_devices.hostname like '%%%%' OR mac_track_devices.device_name like '%%%%' OR mac_track_devices.notes like '%%%%'))"
04/19/2007 10:33:36 AM - CMDPHP: Poller[0] ERROR: SQL Assoc Failed "SELECT mac_track_devices.site_id, mac_track_sites.site_name, mac_track_devices.device_id, mac_track_devices.device_name, mac_track_devices.notes, mac_track_devices.hostname, mac_track_devices.snmp_readstring, mac_track_devices.snmp_readstrings, mac_track_devices.snmp_version, mac_track_devices.snmp_port, mac_track_devices.snmp_timeout, mac_track_devices.snmp_retries, mac_track_devices.snmp_status, mac_track_devices.ignorePorts, mac_track_devices.disabled, mac_track_devices.scan_type, mac_track_devices.ips_total, mac_track_devices.ports_total, mac_track_devices.ports_active, mac_track_devices.ports_trunk, mac_track_devices.macs_active, mac_track_devices.last_rundate, mac_track_devices.last_runmessage, mac_track_devices.last_runduration FROM mac_track_sites RIGHT JOIN mac_track_devices ON mac_track_devices.site_id = mac_track_sites.site_id WHERE ((mac_track_devices.hostname like '%%%%' OR mac_track_devices.device_name like '%%%%' OR mac_track_devices.notes like '%%%%')) ORDER BY site_name ASC LIMIT 0,30"
04/19/2007 10:32:55 AM - SYSTEM STATS: Time:175.0203 Method:cactid Processes:2 Threads:10 Hosts:60 HostsPerProcess:30 DataSources:3410 RRDsProcessed:1726

Sorry about the big post... :(
Jacob Bergman
Pullman School District

Operating System: winserv 2003
Webserver: IIS 6.0
Cacti: BETA windows installer 1.5 (BSOD2600)
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