Bandwidth and thold ? cofusion

Support questions about the Threshold plugin

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Bandwidth and thold ? cofusion

Post by nedo »

Hi everyone

Question and confusion regarding bits and bytes and how and conversion regarding MBytes from cacti graph and thold

Why is the graph bandwidth statistics diffrent from threshold bandwidth ?

For example on the graphs on cacti it shows 10M (in) and on the threshold tab it says 20M which is wrong . I was thinking since my bandwidth monitors are constantly changing it would make sense for it to jump up and down.

Is there a way to i can change the poller cycle so it would refresh more often for cacti threshold and graphs cause for some of my bandwidth even after 5 min its still shows same badnwidth statictsics

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bytes/s to Mbits/s

Post by mokeybrains »

HOW-TO: bytes/s to Mbits/s check out the thread below:
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Post by nedo »

Hey thanks that did it it was the conversion of bits to bytes

I thought it wasnt polling fast enough that why i was seeing wired numbers

but thanks for the link easy to follow!!

Hey one question i am using riverstone routers when it pools i sometimes get breached threholds when it measures the cpu like 45% my threhold set to 30%, but when i telnet into the router and show cpu there is no log of ever reaching that percentage?

Is this also a conversion problem ?

thanks man
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