Can anybody confirm my treshold isn't working?

Support questions about the Threshold plugin

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Can anybody confirm my treshold isn't working?

Post by dennis00 »


Can anybody please tell me what normal digits for "normal treshold" should be when I want to be alerted when I go over 5mpbs?

The current numbers for "Current" say nothing to me. Where does this 468430.2024 come from?
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Post by cigamit »

The current value is what is returned by the bandwidth data source script. It may be bits, it may be bytes, all depends on which one you selected.
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How to threshold your bandwidth graphs on Mbps

Post by mokeybrains »

You need to convert that BIG number to the proper units (Mbps) and then it won't be so unwieldy.

How? Follow these steps!

Create a NEW CDEF:
  • Click on CONSOLE
    Click on Graph Management
    Click on CDEFs
    in the upper right click the Add link
    In the NAME field, enter: bytes/s to Mbits/s
    You now have a CDEF that does nothing... so, start adding functions reverse polish style.
    Under CDEF ITEMS, click Add.
    Pick 'Special Data source' and 'current graph item data source'
    next Add a number: 125000
    then Add a function: /
    now this should be your new CDEF: cdef=CURRENT_DATA_SOURCE,125000,/
Apply the new CDEF to your threshold. Go back to the 'Editing your Threshold' page. Under Other settings select your newly created CDEF: bytes/s to Mbits/s

This conversion does Bytes to bits ( multiply by 8) and then converts to Mega ( divide by 1,000,000) in one step.
(That is where 125000 comes from... 1,000,000/8).

Some people use 1000000 bits to denote Mbits, other people use 2^20.
More info on Units

What is Reverse Polish??? I learned it in Engineering school for my calculator!

Cavet empor: note previous post: is your data source bytes OR bits? ... I find all mine are bytes.
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