Help: Graph throttling and not displaying real data

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Help: Graph throttling and not displaying real data

Post by bgovoni »

Hello everyone, i'm stumped on this one. Ok, im tryin to monitor a cisco 3550 router. Let me first say that all other graphs on cacti have no problems. But this one is our core router to the net and is crucial to get it to work if i want to migrate to cacti.

It seems as the graph has some sorta peak, once it hits it peak it throttles down and bounces around 110mb or go close to nothing. While not displaying the real data. The outbound traffic is correct. You'll also see that i deleted the graph and recreated it in the start of the picture. Once i recreate the graph, it displays the right data until the next cycle. You'll see around 9:00 im at 210mb (which is correct) and where's its around 12:00 it should be near 300mb. Any clue's? It's obviously capable of graphing that high but why does it throttle down like that? I've tried to change the max amount of bytes to the maximum number and still same result.

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Post by BSOD2600 »

Make sure you're using snmpv2 and 64bit templates, so the counters don't wrap.
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