Threshold Not Same reading as Graph?? y

Support questions about the Threshold plugin

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Threshold Not Same reading as Graph?? y

Post by nedo »

Hi every one why is my threshold not reading the same values as my graph is reading ?

Is this not pooling in time or updating at the same time the graph is updating, my thresholds are becoming unreliable!!

I did not download the latest version of THOLD cause someone said that it causes problems with other plugins such as weathermap?? IS THIS TRUE

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Post by cigamit »

The current version does not cause issues with weathermap (the boost plugin does cause issues with weathermap though).

The newest version should resolve the issues, as they grab the exact data returned from the script, instead of trying to poll it from the RRD File.
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Joined: Thu Nov 16, 2006 8:58 pm

Post by nedo »

You say the current version of thold does not cause this issue right ?

Also on the where this plugin can be downloaded it says needs a prerequesit of plugin architechture 1.1 i have 1.0 can i still download and update the thold plugin with my old plugin architecture will it work?

If not how do you update the plugin architecture which is diffrent from a regular plugin i would think ?

i dont want to mess up cacti in general i love it thats why i am asking

"The newest version should resolve the issues"

Not sure what you are refering to the architecture plugin ? a new thold plugin?

thanks for you response
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