Wierd Question: Change the time at which a device polled

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Wierd Question: Change the time at which a device polled

Post by markusmueller »

This is the deal.
I poll my printer page count once a day and graph the change to achieve a graph that tells me how many prints i get each day off each of my printers.
This works great.

The only problem is it polls at 4 pm every day and not midnight how do i change this.
My poller for cacti runs every 5 minutes and the data template is set to only poll every 86400 seconds.

Every thing else works great.

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Post by gandalf »

Please tell us, how you achieved to fill in the data only once a day.
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Post by markusmueller »

I set the step on the data source to 86400 or one day worth of seconds. Then i multiply the data source by 86400 to come up with an accurate graph.

A clever way to only query a data source once a day. The problem is that it queries at around 4pm each day not midnight.

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Post by gandalf »

Fine, but that was not the answer to my question. YOu told us, how you modified the rrd file. But my question was about filling this file. Do you update this file externally, e.g. by running the update script e.g. as part of cron-daily? Or do you have some timing logic within the script that updates only at a certain time of day?
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