Tiles weathermap ?

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Tiles weathermap ?

Post by nedo »

Ok has this been done or did anyone write a patch where you can split up the weathermap into tiles and then have the zoom capability into each tile and perhaps so that i can write a small script where the internet explorer would switch every 15 sec between screens

I have about 120 devices and i am monitoring it on a 74 inch screen and the map is so small and i cant hire the resollution

I am sure its possible maybe a hint would be a start

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Post by streaker69 »

The version of Weathermap that comes with CactiEZ .2 has the ability to scan through your maps on varying intervals. You could create submaps of each area and have it display each one in any order you select.
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Re: Tiles weathermap ?

Post by Howie »

nedo wrote:Ok has this been done or did anyone write a patch where you can split up the weathermap into tiles and then have the zoom capability into each tile and perhaps so that i can write a small script where the internet explorer would switch every 15 sec between screens

I have about 120 devices and i am monitoring it on a 74 inch screen and the map is so small and i cant hire the resollution

I am sure its possible maybe a hint would be a start

What would the zoom do?

Making the tiles of a larger map is not too hard, but it seems to me that if you can't see the whole map, then what's the point in having it all in one map like that? You'll just get arrows disappearing off the side of the screen to 'somewhere or other'...

As streaker69 says, you can make seperate maps and cycle between them every 15 seconds already.
Weathermap 0.98a is out! & QuickTree 1.0. Superlinks is over there now (and built-in to Cacti 1.x).
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Post by nedo »

Here the thing i am running weathermap 0.82 i have a huge map and a huge tv monitor like 74 inch insane ..anyways i would like to separeate them into multiple tiles so i can display the them in a rotating matter the doesnt have to have a zoom but its like a zoom when you click on onbe of the tiles

Do you know where i can edit this or a have a template to make this thing work also do you have to restart the server itself where cacti is running when you add a background image or icon in the shared images of weathermap ??

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Post by Howie »

nedo wrote:Do you know where i can edit this or a have a template to make this thing work also do you have to restart the server itself where cacti is running when you add a background image or icon in the shared images of weathermap ??
Sure, you just make the smaller maps - limit the size to the native resolution of your projector. Then you can click on the Weathermap tab in Cacti and then on 'automatically cycle between full-size maps' in the top-right corner. If you want them to cycle more quickly, go to the Cacti Settings menu (bottom of the left-hand menu) and then the Misc tab, where you can change the cycle time.

There isn't a magic 'split this map into lots of smaller maps' option though, if that's what you mean.

Images for background and icons should work without a restart. Don't forget that the maps are only regenerated every poller cycle, so if you refer to the icon in a map, it may take up to five minutes for the redraw to happen. If the icon still doesn't show up, check that the file is readable by whichever user runs the poller process, and if it still doesn't show up, have a look in the Cacti log for lines starting WEATHERMAP, which should help you figure out what is wrong.
Weathermap 0.98a is out! & QuickTree 1.0. Superlinks is over there now (and built-in to Cacti 1.x).
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Post by nedo »

"Sure, you just make the smaller maps"

How do you make smaller maps i am creating maps in editor.php web interface unless i have to create multiple maps redo everything over again seperate my orginal map into 4 smaller maps created in plugins/weathermap/editor.php and then turn on the automatic cycle each map which is prrtty cool by the way.

is that about right ??
where else would you create these maps

also for adding my background weathermap image there is a bunch of sample images in image folder i copied it into simple.cfg file with BACKGROUND image file which is y the way png image and it still doesnt appear?? i also decrease the poller time for automatic but still no image appears

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Post by streaker69 »

nedo wrote:"Sure, you just make the smaller maps"

How do you make smaller maps i am creating maps in editor.php web interface unless i have to create multiple maps redo everything over again seperate my orginal map into 4 smaller maps created in plugins/weathermap/editor.php and then turn on the automatic cycle each map which is prrtty cool by the way.

is that about right ??
where else would you create these maps

also for adding my background weathermap image there is a bunch of sample images in image folder i copied it into simple.cfg file with BACKGROUND image file which is y the way png image and it still doesnt appear?? i also decrease the poller time for automatic but still no image appears

Yes, use the editor to recreate your one big map into 4 individual maps.

Howie, would it be possible to code something like this into the new version? Where you could create an endpoint that's clickable to take you to next map in the line?
NextMap.gif (15.97 KiB) Viewed 9417 times
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Post by Howie »

nedo wrote: How do you make smaller maps i am creating maps in editor.php web interface unless i have to create multiple maps redo everything over again seperate my orginal map into 4 smaller maps created in plugins/weathermap/editor.php and then turn on the automatic cycle each map which is prrtty cool by the way.

is that about right ??
Yes, that is what I meant.
nedo wrote: where else would you create these maps
Actually, I have made a special script to do this job today, just because it sounded interesting to do. I've attached it to this post. To use it, you need to edit the first few lines and change the name of the config file you want to split, and then what size you want the pieces to be (i.e your screen resolution). Save the script to the weathermap directory (it uses other parts of weathermap code) and rename it without the .txt, then open a shell window in that directory and run php split-maps.php, and it will produce a series of smaller map config files for you (you might be able to run it by going to http://your.server/cacti/plugins/weathe ... it-map.php in a web browser, but I haven't tried that).

It will remove any background image (it's the wrong size), and any links that cross between maps (because the node at one end is deleted now). It doesn't change KEYPOS. It does save most of the work though.
nedo wrote: also for adding my background weathermap image there is a bunch of sample images in image folder i copied it into simple.cfg file with BACKGROUND image file which is y the way png image and it still doesnt appear?? i also decrease the poller time for automatic but still no image appears
OK - the 'automatic' thing is nothing to do with how fast maps are recalculated - it ONLY affected the 'cycle maps' page reloading. Maps are always recalculated at the same time that Cacti polls for data (usually every 5 minutes).

The Background problem: what does the BACKGROUND line look like your map config file? Have you looked in the Cacti log for any errors? If you put the background image into the images/ directory, then your BACKGROUND line should look like:

Code: Select all

BACKGROUND images/mybackground.png
Map splitting utility
(2.28 KiB) Downloaded 444 times
Weathermap 0.98a is out! & QuickTree 1.0. Superlinks is over there now (and built-in to Cacti 1.x).
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Post by Howie »

streaker69 wrote:Howie, would it be possible to code something like this into the new version? Where you could create an endpoint that's clickable to take you to next map in the line?
You can do it right now. Just set the INFOURL to be the page for the other map:

Code: Select all

NODE nextmap
    LABEL Next Map
    INFOURL weathermap-cacti-plugin.php?action=viewmap&id=10
(or whatever ID map you want)
Weathermap 0.98a is out! & QuickTree 1.0. Superlinks is over there now (and built-in to Cacti 1.x).
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Post by streaker69 »

Howie wrote:
streaker69 wrote:Howie, would it be possible to code something like this into the new version? Where you could create an endpoint that's clickable to take you to next map in the line?
You can do it right now. Just set the INFOURL to be the page for the other map:

Code: Select all

NODE nextmap
    LABEL Next Map
    INFOURL weathermap-cacti-plugin.php?action=viewmap&id=10
(or whatever ID map you want)
I was working with it, and figured it was the INFOURL but I couldn't figure out the URL to use to pull up the map.
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Post by nedo »

Hey people that is a pretty usefull info about the tiles you gave me but the problem is that i dont have and i dont know where all my objects are located should be in weathermap-0.82/something but its not i have weathermap running i just dont know where the file is located on the server on cacti its probebly s plugin on cacti when i initally installed it but cant find the files to see all the nodes i added on editor

please does anyone know how i can serach this

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Post by streaker69 »

nedo wrote:Hey people that is a pretty usefull info about the tiles you gave me but the problem is that i dont have and i dont know where all my objects are located should be in weathermap-0.82/something but its not i have weathermap running i just dont know where the file is located on the server on cacti its probebly s plugin on cacti when i initally installed it but cant find the files to see all the nodes i added on editor

please does anyone know how i can serach this

Config files for Weathermap are normally under /plugins/weathermap/configs.

You can open the editor at


If they're not there, then try using the locate command.
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Post by Howie »

streaker69 wrote:
nedo wrote:Hey people that is a pretty usefull info about the tiles you gave me but the problem is that i dont have and i dont know where all my objects are located should be in weathermap-0.82/something but its not i have weathermap running i just dont know where the file is located on the server on cacti its probebly s plugin on cacti when i initally installed it but cant find the files to see all the nodes i added on editor

please does anyone know how i can serach this

Config files for Weathermap are normally under /plugins/weathermap/configs.

You can open the editor at


If they're not there, then try using the locate command.
Also, if you can load the config file in the editor, then there is a button at the bottom in the yellow debug section that lets you get a copy of the config file. You still need to know where they live to put the split copies back though.
Weathermap 0.98a is out! & QuickTree 1.0. Superlinks is over there now (and built-in to Cacti 1.x).
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Post by nedo »

ok i found where the config file where thanks it was in some wired place

Problem with cycling weathermap--
But my original file ends in index.php and the rest sub maps are .conf i go into wmap tab on cacti hit the automatical cycle but the weathermap all the weathermap display on one page thats not what i want, i thought it would cycle every 30 sec cause thats what i set the poller to. How do i set so that one map is being dispalyed on cacti and would change to another map after the poller cycle i dont know if the extension are disabling me to do this should i name each map extension with .php

Also the image background file example they have in example subfolder i set as background but its not fully dislpayed it cuts my weathermap in half i tryed changing the width and length of the png file but no luck
i dont know if the background pic is too small or??
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Post by Howie »

nedo wrote: Problem with cycling weathermap--
But my original file ends in index.php and the rest sub maps are .conf i go into wmap tab on cacti hit the automatical cycle but the weathermap all the weathermap display on one page thats not what i want, i thought it would cycle every 30 sec cause thats what i set the poller to. How do i set so that one map is being dispalyed on cacti and would change to another map after the poller cycle i dont know if the extension are disabling me to do this should i name each map extension with .php
I don't understand what you mean about index.php... You go to Weathermaps, then click on Automatically Cycle maps. If the maps are being generated properly (no 'Not Yet Created') then that should just work, with full sized maps.

It is not the poller cycle you need to change. It is
Console->Settings->Misc->Map Rendering Interval

Changing the poller interval will cause problems with your Cacti, if you are not careful.
nedo wrote: Also the image background file example they have in example subfolder i set as background but its not fully dislpayed it cuts my weathermap in half i tryed changing the width and length of the png file but no luck
i dont know if the background pic is too small or??
You can't specify a WIDTH and HEIGHT for the map if there is a BACKGROUND. If you have a background image, your map will always be the same size as the background image. If the background isn't big enough, get a bigger image, or resize it in GIMP/Photoshop/whatever, or take the background out, and use WIDTH/HEIGHT to size the map.
Weathermap 0.98a is out! & QuickTree 1.0. Superlinks is over there now (and built-in to Cacti 1.x).
Some Other Cacti tweaks, including strip-graphs, icons and snmp/netflow stuff.
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