Graph Title Help

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Graph Title Help

Post by Richter »

I am new to cacti (have been using Cricket for a few years) and have a question about the order the graphs are displayed in. It looks like they are in alpha order <DeviceName> - <GraphType (Traffic, Errors, etc.> - <Interface>, is there a way to change this to <DeviceName>-<Interface>-<GraphType> ? I'd like to have my errors graph show up just above my traffic graph for the same interface.

I have tried looking in the graph templates and I see where |host_description| - Traffic is defined, but I do not see where the interface info is picked up and how to reorder this....if you can.

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Post by gandalf »

Two Options:
You may change the sort order, defined by a header item in the Graph Tree.
And you may change the titles themselves. To do so, visit the according Data Query, then the Graph Template and change the order in the "Suggested Names" section
To apply, select the Graphs from Graph Management and select "Reappl Suggested names"
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Joined: Thu Dec 21, 2006 9:55 am

Post by Richter »

Thanks.....I am trying to work through some sorting problems now, but I have a better handle on things.
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