Issues with the date selector

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Issues with the date selector

Post by Crescens »

Hi all,

today we found a an issue regarding the date/time selector.
We needed to get the date for a specified period of time.
The graphs show well but the Comments show the wrong data.

We have made a custom template to display the total amoung of Bytes.
The Trans: and Total Transfer values are made like this: COMMENT: Trans: |sum:auto:current:2:auto|
The Problem is in the 95% template too.

I have some screenshots to explain it better.

Ok, I have 146MB the last 24 Hours.


Now we have 269MB. Nearly the double. Ok no worries yet.


Now its getting strange. it say that we have tranfered only 64MB the last three days?
The real traffic must be more that 300MB.
The other values are incorrect as well.

Allright. I went to Graphs->Settings an changed the Default RRA to weekly(30min Average).

I selected the last week in the selector and it display me

Hm, 161MB - if we have 65 on three days (see two picture above) that might be ok, but it is less then we have at the last two days.

I went to Console->Graph Management and went into the graph.
Now it shows me the correct values for the last month :o


As you can see. These graphs are identical but the values differ.

If I zoom into the graphs the values are ok. But I can`t zoom so exactly to hit one week ore one month.
Thats why I think theres somthing wrong with the date selector.

Can anybody give me a hint where to search?
Or am I the only one with that problem?

We are using Cacti 8.6h on Debian Sarge.
The Prolem occurs in g and i too.

The only thing I can remember is, that I updated cactid to 8.6i.
But that shouldn`t be a problem (I hope) :)
Posts: 29
Joined: Tue Jun 08, 2004 6:06 am
Location: Germany

Post by Crescens »

A small update.

It seems that that only happens to Graphs which have at least 3 Weeks of data.
Graphs with only 2 weeks are displayd ok.

Is there anybody who can tell me that that feature is working on his box?
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