enhancement request for - rrd's from different architecture

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enhancement request for - rrd's from different architecture

Post by inetquestion »

recently I was troubleshooting a problem after migrating from solaris to linux. After many frustrating hours I determined that the rrd files were incompatible because they were copied over versus being exported to xml on the old system first.

Would it be possible to add some error messages within cacti if rrdtool attempts to process rrd fiels which are not compatible with the current arch? The only reason I was able to figure this out was by running: "rrdtool info file_xyz.rrd" from the command line. There were no error messages in the logs which indicated this was my problem.


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Post by inetquestion »

another nice feature would be to convert xml files in the rra directory via the gui instead of running a shell script for this purpose. Boy I'm full of these today aren't I? :)
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Post by BSOD2600 »

Curious, with cacti's logging level set to debug, what would it show when cacti attempted to update those (incompatible) rra files?

There isn't a standard error message rrdtool throws when that happens? If not, sounds like something rrdtool needs to include...
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Post by inetquestion »

I can't say for certain if the error from rrdtool is standard, but I would assume that it is. Here is what I got on fedora trying to import files which were created on solaris: "ERROR: This RRD was created on other architecture"

Couldn't cacti catch this and display it to the use in the gui? It took me a LOOOONG time to figure this out manually.
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