Setting up cacti to log bandwidth data from pf on BSD

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Setting up cacti to log bandwidth data from pf on BSD

Post by redtom »

Setting up BSD system

You need to have a BSD system with pf (packet filter) installed.
Setup some rules in pf edit the config file in /etc/pf.conf adding rules like these

Code: Select all

# pass all loopback traffic
pass quick on lo0

# set up default rules to track non-specific traffic
pass in log label "other-in"
pass out log label "other-out"

# log all http traffic ( being the IP apache or like is running on)
pass in quick proto tcp to port 80 label "in-http"
pass out quick proto tcp from port 80 label "out-http"
To test these rules run
pfctl -nf /etc/pf.conf
if that outputs no error you can load the config file with this
pfctl -f /etc/pf.conf

If your server is live and receiving traffic you will be able to see traffic with the command
pfctl -s labels

Setup a crontab to dump the pf data to a text file ever 5 minutes resetting the counters each time
*/5 * * * * /sbin/pfctl -zsl > /home/cacti/bandwidth.dat

Now you can setup a script to output the data to cacti. I use a php script to do this stored in /home/cacti/public_html/scripts/bw.php

Code: Select all

// get rule type
$rule = $argv[1];

// setup in and out rules
$rule_in  = "in-$rule";
$rule_out = "out-$rule"

// grab the bandwidth file contents
$lines = file("/home/cacti/bandwidth.dat");

// loop through file lines
foreach($lines AS $line)
	// if line is blank go to next
	if(empty($line)) continue;

	// split the line up
	$parts = explode(" ", $line);

	// setup an array and store the rules and bytes parts in it
	$rw = array();
	$rw['rule']  = $parts[0];
	$rw['bytes'] = str_replace("\n", "", $parts[3]);
	// check its the line that matches the rule
	if($rw['rule'] != $rule_in && $rw['rule'] != $rule_out) continue;
	// print out the values
	print $rw['rule'].":".$rw['bytes']." ";
You can now read this data into cacti by making a new Data Input Method with these details

Name: HTTP Bandwidth
Input Type: Script/Command
Input String: /home/cacti/public_html/scripts/bw.php http

Add two output fields

Field [Output]: in-http
Friendly Name: HTTP in traffic


Field [Output]: out-http
Friendly Name: HTTP out traffic

You can now setup a Data Source for this Input Method and a graph like normal.
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Joined: Wed Jun 14, 2006 4:06 pm

Post by spaam »

How do i fix the templates? i cant get it working /=
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