Graph of the same data from different devices

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Graph of the same data from different devices

Post by jdooley »

Maybe I'm missing something in the way that the different templates work together, but I'm having trouble getting the data I want on a graph.

I can create a graph that pulls two different data strings from the same device and graph them. (i.e. chart temperature and humidity from the same device on the same graph).

I can't create a graph that pulls the same data string from multiple devices and graphs them (i.e. chart processor utilization from 5 devices on the same graph).

Am I missing something easy here? Has anyone done this, and if so can you share the love? Thanks.

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Post by raX »

This is very possible, just make sure you don't have a host selected for the graph you are trying to do this to. Custom graphs like this typically do not have a graph template either, even though this is not always the case.

If there is something that I am missing here, please let me know.

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Post by jdooley »

I 100% got it. I was looking at the graph templates instead of building the graph manually.

Thanks for the assist.

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