Postfix Queues

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Postfix Queues

Post by valec »

Thought I'd upload a quick script with graph templates for postfix queue graphing.
Graphs: Active, Deferred, Incoming and Hold queues.

Not the most exciting graph, but maybe useful to someone. And there's probably a better way to do it. Suggestions welcome.

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#!/bin/bash - written by Valec 2006. Steal and share.
#Get postfix queue lengths

#Place in /usr/local/bin/
#exec . mailq /usr/local/bin/

QUEUES="incoming active deferred hold"

for i in $QUEUES; do
        COUNT=`qshape $i | grep TOTAL | awk '{print $2}'`
        printf "$i:$COUNT "
Place in /usr/local/bin/
Add the following to /snmpd.conf:

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exec . mailq /usr/local/bin/
And on the Cacti host I have:

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output=`/usr/bin/snmpwalk -Oav -v2c -c syzygy $1 . | cut -d '"' -f 2`
printf "$output"
Graph template attached. If I've missed something let me know.

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Last edited by valec on Thu Oct 19, 2006 5:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by masdani »

after try, i have problem. the graphic show nan, and manual running snmpwalk give info :

bash-3.00# snmpwalk -v1 -c gagak localhost .
UCD-SNMP-MIB::ucdavis. = INTEGER: 1
UCD-SNMP-MIB::ucdavis. = STRING: "mailq"
UCD-SNMP-MIB::ucdavis. = STRING: "/usr/local/bin/"
UCD-SNMP-MIB::ucdavis. = INTEGER: 0
UCD-SNMP-MIB::ucdavis. = STRING: "/usr/local/bin/ line 12: qshape: command not found"
UCD-SNMP-MIB::ucdavis. = STRING: "incoming: /usr/local/bin/ line 12: qshape: command not found"
UCD-SNMP-MIB::ucdavis. = STRING: "active: /usr/local/bin/ line 12: qshape: command not found"
UCD-SNMP-MIB::ucdavis. = STRING: "deferred: /usr/local/bin/ line 12: qshape: command not found"
UCD-SNMP-MIB::ucdavis. = STRING: "hold: "
UCD-SNMP-MIB::ucdavis. = INTEGER: 0
UCD-SNMP-MIB::ucdavis. = ""

and after run in command line, i have error like this :

./ line 12: qshape: command not found
incoming: ./ line 12: qshape: command not found
active: ./ line 12: qshape: command not found
deferred: ./ line 12: qshape: command not found

i have running postfix postfix-2.2.10 in freebsd box
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Post by Keene44 »

Looks like you don't have qshape installed on your postfix server.

I believe it comes installed in most postfix versions. It's just a perl file that you can find on the net.
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Post by sloop »

The data input method includes:

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/bin/bash <path_cacti>/scripts/ <Host_IP>
Can you please include this script? thanks :D
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Post by valec »

Ahh yeah, whoops. I'll do so now.
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What version

Post by cscott »

I am getting a "Error: XML: Hash version does not exist." when importing the graph template. What version of Cacti was this exported from? I am using 0.8.6i-1.
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Post by mdvz0r »

Seems like this is not going to work for me.

Problem is that the snmp deamon (running as user snmp) doesn't have access to the /var/spool/postfix/.. directories. So qshape will generate errors. How did you guys solve this?
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postfix permissions

Post by cscott »

What is snmpd running as on your machine? Can't you fix it by using group permissions?
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Post by cviebrock »

I've got this problem too:

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# snmpwalk -v 1 -c public localhost .
UCD-SNMP-MIB::ucdavis. = INTEGER: 1
UCD-SNMP-MIB::ucdavis. = STRING: "mailq"
UCD-SNMP-MIB::ucdavis. = STRING: "/usr/local/bin/"
UCD-SNMP-MIB::ucdavis. = INTEGER: 0
UCD-SNMP-MIB::ucdavis. = STRING: "Can't cd to incoming: Permission denied"
UCD-SNMP-MIB::ucdavis. = STRING: " at /usr/sbin/qshape line 286"
UCD-SNMP-MIB::ucdavis. = STRING: "incoming:0 Can't cd to active: Permission denied"
UCD-SNMP-MIB::ucdavis. = STRING: " at /usr/sbin/qshape line 286"
UCD-SNMP-MIB::ucdavis. = STRING: "active:0 Can't cd to deferred: Permission denied"
UCD-SNMP-MIB::ucdavis. = STRING: " at /usr/sbin/qshape line 286"
UCD-SNMP-MIB::ucdavis. = STRING: "deferred:0 Can't cd to hold: Permission denied"
UCD-SNMP-MIB::ucdavis. = STRING: " at /usr/sbin/qshape line 286"
UCD-SNMP-MIB::ucdavis. = STRING: "hold:0 "
UCD-SNMP-MIB::ucdavis. = INTEGER: 0
UCD-SNMP-MIB::ucdavis. = ""
I tried adding the "snmp" user to the "postfix", the "adm" and even the "root" group, with no success.

The directories have the following perms:

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xxx:/var/spool/postfix/deferred# ls -las
total 72
4 drwx------  18 postfix root    4096 2006-07-20 00:09 .
4 drwxr-xr-x  19 root    root    4096 2006-11-08 11:33 ..
4 drwx------   2 postfix postfix 4096 2006-12-06 22:59 0
4 drwx------   2 postfix postfix 4096 2006-12-06 22:59 1
Any suggestions?[/code]
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Post by MoreDakka »

I am also having a problem with this script. If I enter the information in manually it works no problem and I've narrowed it down to "syzygy". I have no idea what that is. If it's a place holder is there any way to have the script grab the community from cacti rather than manually enter it?
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Post by zoemdoef »

MoreDakka wrote:I am also having a problem with this script. If I enter the information in manually it works no problem and I've narrowed it down to "syzygy". I have no idea what that is. If it's a place holder is there any way to have the script grab the community from cacti rather than manually enter it?
syzygy is the snmp community name.

I am also stuggling with the permissions. Added user:snmp to postfix and root groups. When i run the script it returns 0 values. When running the same script under root it works fine.
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Post by pologtijaune »


I have somme problems with this scripts :

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# /usr/bin/snmpwalk -v2c -c COMUNITY IPADDRESS .
UCD-SNMP-MIB::ucdavis. = INTEGER: 1
UCD-SNMP-MIB::ucdavis. = STRING: "mailq"
UCD-SNMP-MIB::ucdavis. = STRING: "/usr/local/bin/"
UCD-SNMP-MIB::ucdavis. = INTEGER: 0
Timeout: No Response from IPADDRESS
On the postfix server :

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# time /usr/local/bin/
incoming:0 active:34 deferred:2530 hold:0
real    0m4.431s
user    0m1.265s
sys     0m3.368s
What is the problem ?
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Post by pheezy »

You need to prepend your entry in snmpd.conf with /bin/sh
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Post by jerome »



I've just added this script to my cacti system. The client side works fine. The on cacti server give me correct results but result in cacti are false :

Code: Select all

 ./ mail_host
incoming:1 active:8 deferred:19564 hold:0
I'm using Cacti 0.8.6i on Debian Etch.

Any idea ?

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Post by monachus »

if using newer versions of net-snmp, you should use the extend directive instead of the exec directive, which will require some changes to the scripts:

in snmpd.conf:

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extend mailq /usr/local/bin/


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/usr/bin/snmpget -Oqav -v2c -c<community> -t30 $1 'NET-SNMP-EXTEND-MIB::nsExtendOutLine."mailq".1' | cut -d '"' -f 2
also, in newer versions of postfix, "qshape" has become "" check on your system for the updated version.
Adrian Goins - President / CEO
Arces Network, LLC
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