Threshold number conversion strangeness

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Threshold number conversion strangeness

Post by krash »

I'm running cacti 0.8.6h with the thold plugin. Everything seems to be running fine, but I am having a problem making since of the Threshold current values.

Basicly, I see no way to convert the numbers thold is showing under current into the corasponding numbers showing up on the graph.
I have attached some pics to show what I mean.

These graphs are using the 'Bits per second / Total bandwith' data querry.

Is something wrong with my setup? Is thold using wrong data?

Any help would be appreicated.
Here the current value of outgoing traffic is 475986.7094.  The graph shows around 6 Megs of outgoing.  How can this number equate to 6 megs?
Here the current value of outgoing traffic is 475986.7094. The graph shows around 6 Megs of outgoing. How can this number equate to 6 megs?
cacti-thold-1.png (34.42 KiB) Viewed 4231 times
cacti-thold-2.png (28.87 KiB) Viewed 4231 times
cacti-thold-3.png (30.78 KiB) Viewed 4231 times
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Post by cigamit »

This should be the equation you are looking for

((CURRENT * 8 ) / 1024) / 1024

So for instance, in the first graph for the Current Threshold value
((132759.0137 * 8 ) / 1024) / 1024 = 1.0128
which is basically what the graph is showing (I assume blue line = outbound)

So if you want to set the threshold to a 3 Megs limit
((3 * 1024) * 1024) / 8 ) = 393216
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Post by cigamit »

I should also probably note that you can create a CDEF for this, and then have cacti use the CDEF. It should work without any issues, but I haven't tested it yet. Threshold CDEFs are only "halfway" working at this point, so no promises.
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Post by krash »

Thank you for the equations there. Now the numbers make sense.
I havn't tried messing around with the CDEFs, but I will give it a shot.

Thanks again!
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Post by bitboy »

I wondering the 'current' value in the threshold plugin displayed. For instance, I added an Disk Used Space threshold, the actual free space on the graph is 3.92G (bytes), while the 'current' value in threshold shows 1262127112200, how can I determine which 'current' value in threshold represents the actural free space value 3.0G (bytes)? In addition, others like traffic in/out bitrate, CPU utilization etc., also have this convertion algorithm question. Thanks a lot.
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bytes/s to Mbits/s

Post by mokeybrains »

HOW-TO: bytes/s to Mbits/s check out the thread below:
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