I tryng to generate a traffic map of my host.
I following these step by step:
Click Devices on Cacti's menu.
Click Add to add a new device.
Type a description, hostname, management IP, and SNMP community. Make sure to select "Generic SNMP-enabled Host" under Host Template and click Create.
Click Create Graphs for this Host at the top of the page.
You should see one or more interfaces listed under the Data Query [SNMP - Interface Statistics] box. Place a check next to each interface that you want to graph. Below the box, select type of graph that you want to create (bits, bytes, summation, etc).
But, he show me this:
Any hints?
Tks all for the help
PS: other graphics, like, logued in ussers, processors, mem use, and disk use, i can generate with no problens