I guess It'll probably help to paste the changes i've made and my results.
Here is my modified snmp.php:
define("REGEXP_SNMP_TRIM", "(hex|counter(32|64)|gauge|gauge(32|64)|float|ipaddress|string|integer):");
define("SNMP_METHOD_PHP", 1);
define("SNMP_METHOD_BINARY", 2);
/* we must use an apostrophe to escape community names under Unix in case the user uses
characters that the shell might interpret. the ucd-snmp binaries on Windows flip out when
you do this, but are perfectly happy with a quotation mark. */
if ($config["cacti_server_os"] == "unix") {
define("SNMP_ESCAPE_CHARACTER", "\"");
function cacti_snmp_get($hostname, $community, $oid, $version, $username, $password, $port = 161, $timeout = 500, $environ = SNMP_POLLER) {
global $config;
/* determine default retries */
$retries = read_config_option("snmp_retries");
if ($retries == "") $retries = 3;
/* do not attempt to poll invalid combinations */
if (($version == 0) || (($community == "") && ($version != 3))) {
return "U";
if (snmp_get_method($version) == SNMP_METHOD_PHP) {
/* make sure snmp* is verbose so we can see what types of data we are getting back */
if ($version == "1") {
$snmp_value = @snmpget("$hostname:$port", $community, $oid, ($timeout * 1000), $retries);
}elseif ($version == "2") {
$snmp_value = @snmp2_get("$hostname:$port", $community, $oid, ($timeout * 1000), $retries);
$snmp_value = @snmp3_get("$hostname:$port", $username, "
authPriv", "MD5", $password,
"DES", "$password", $oid, ($timeout * 1000), $retries);
}else {
/* ucd/net snmp want the timeout in seconds */
$timeout = ceil($timeout / 1000);
if ($version == "1") {
$snmp_auth = (read_config_option("snmp_version") == "ucd-snmp") ? SNMP_ESCAPE_CHARACTER . $community . SNMP_
ESCAPE_CHARACTER : "-c " . SNMP_ESCAPE_CHARACTER . $community . SNMP_ESCAPE_CHARACTER; /* v1/v2 - community string */
}elseif ($version == "2") {
$snmp_auth = (read_config_option("snmp_version") == "ucd-snmp") ? SNMP_ESCAPE_CHARACTER . $community . SNMP_
ESCAPE_CHARACTER : "-c " . SNMP_ESCAPE_CHARACTER . $community . SNMP_ESCAPE_CHARACTER; /* v1/v2 - community string */
$version = "2c"; /* ucd/net snmp prefers this over '2' */
}elseif ($version == "3") {
$snmp_auth = "
-n $community -u $username -l
authPriv -a MD5 -A $password
-x DES -X $password"; /* v3 - username/password */
/* no valid snmp version has been set, get out */
if (empty($snmp_auth)) { return; }
if (read_config_option("snmp_version") == "ucd-snmp") {
exec(read_config_option("path_snmpget") . " -O vt -v$version -t $timeout -r $retries $hostname:$port $snmp_a
uth $oid", $snmp_value);
}else {
exec(read_config_option("path_snmpget") . " -O fntev $snmp_auth -v $version -t $timeout -r $retries $hostnam
e:$port $oid", $snmp_value);
if (isset($snmp_value)) {
/* fix for multi-line snmp output */
if (is_array($snmp_value)) {
$snmp_value = implode(" ", $snmp_value);
/* strip out non-snmp data */
$snmp_value = format_snmp_string($snmp_value);
return $snmp_value;
function cacti_snmp_walk($hostname, $community, $oid, $version, $username, $password, $port = 161, $timeout = 500, $environ = SNMP_P
global $config;
$snmp_array = array();
$temp_array = array();
/* determine default retries */
$retries = read_config_option("snmp_retries");
if ($retries == "") $retries = 3;
$path_snmpbulkwalk = read_config_option("path_snmpbulkwalk");
if ((snmp_get_method($version) == SNMP_METHOD_PHP) &&
(($version == 1) || (strlen(trim($path_snmpbulkwalk)) == 0))) {
/* make sure snmp* is verbose so we can see what types of data
we are getting back */
/* force php to return numeric oid's */
if (function_exists("snmp_set_oid_numeric_print")) {
if ($version == "1") {
$temp_array = @snmprealwalk("$hostname:$port", $community, $oid, ($timeout * 1000), $retries);
}elseif ($version == "2") {
$temp_array = @snmp2_real_walk("$hostname:$port", $community, $oid, ($timeout * 1000), $retries);
$temp_array = @snmp3_real_walk("$hostname:$port",
$community, $username,
"authPriv", "MD5", $password,
"DES", "$password", $oid, ($timeout * 1000), $retries);
$o = 0;
for (@reset($temp_array); $i = @key($temp_array); next($temp_array)) {
$snmp_array[$o]["oid"] = ereg_replace("^\.", "", $i);
$snmp_array[$o]["value"] = format_snmp_string($temp_array[$i]);
/* ucd/net snmp want the timeout in seconds */
$timeout = ceil($timeout / 1000);
if ($version == "1") {
$snmp_auth = (read_config_option("snmp_version") == "ucd-snmp") ? SNMP_ESCAPE_CHARACTER . $community . SNMP_
ESCAPE_CHARACTER : "-c " . SNMP_ESCAPE_CHARACTER . $community . SNMP_ESCAPE_CHARACTER; /* v1/v2 - community string */
}elseif ($version == "2") {
$snmp_auth = (read_config_option("snmp_version") == "ucd-snmp") ? SNMP_ESCAPE_CHARACTER . $community . SNMP_
ESCAPE_CHARACTER : "-c " . SNMP_ESCAPE_CHARACTER . $community . SNMP_ESCAPE_CHARACTER; /* v1/v2 - community string */
$version = "2c"; /* ucd/net snmp prefers this over '2' */
}elseif ($version == "3") {
$snmp_auth = "
-n $community -u $username -l authNoPriv -a MD5 -A $password
-x DES -X $password"; /* v3 - username/password */
if (read_config_option("snmp_version") == "ucd-snmp") {
$temp_array = exec_into_array(read_config_option("path_snmpwalk") . " -v$version -t $timeout -r $retries $ho
stname:$port $snmp_auth $oid");
}else {
if (strlen(trim($path_snmpbulkwalk)) && ($version > 1)) {
$temp_array = exec_into_array(read_config_option("path_snmpbulkwalk") . " -O QfntUe $snmp_auth -v $v
ersion -t $timeout -r $retries -Cr50 $hostname:$port $oid");
$temp_array = exec_into_array(read_config_option("path_snmpwalk") . " -O QfntUe $snmp_auth -v $versi
on -t $timeout -r $retries $hostname:$port $oid");
if ((sizeof($temp_array) == 0) || (substr_count($temp_array[0], "No Such Object"))) {
return array();
for ($i=0; $i < count($temp_array); $i++) {
$snmp_array[$i]["oid"] = trim(ereg_replace("(.*) =.*", "\\1", $temp_array[$i]));
$snmp_array[$i]["value"] = format_snmp_string($temp_array[$i]);
return $snmp_array;
function format_snmp_string($string) {
/* strip off all leading junk (the oid and stuff) */
$string = trim(ereg_replace(".*= ?", "", $string));
/* remove ALL quotes */
$string = str_replace("\"", "", $string);
$string = str_replace("'", "", $string);
$string = str_replace(">", "", $string);
$string = str_replace("<", "", $string);
$string = str_replace("\\", "", $string);
/* Remove invalid chars */
$k = strlen($string);
for ($i=0; $i < $k; $i++) {
if ((ord($string[$i]) <= 31) || (ord($string[$i]) >= 127)) {
$string[$i] = " ";
$string = trim($string);
if (preg_match("/(hex:\?)?([a-fA-F0-9]{1,2}(:|\s)){5}/", $string)) {
$octet = "";
/* strip of the 'hex:' */
$string = eregi_replace("hex: ?", "", $string);
/* split the hex on the delimiter */
$octets = preg_split("/\s|:/", $string);
/* loop through each octet and format it accordingly */
for ($i=0;($i<count($octets));$i++) {
$octet .= str_pad($octets[$i], 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
if (($i+1) < count($octets)) {
$octet .= ":";
/* copy the final result and make it upper case */
$string = strtoupper($octet);
}elseif (preg_match("/Timeticks:\s\((\d+)\)\s/", $string, $matches)) {
$string = $matches[1];
$string = eregi_replace(REGEXP_SNMP_TRIM, "", $string);
return trim($string);
function snmp_get_method($version = 1) {
if ((function_exists("snmpget")) && ($version == 1)) {
}else if ((function_exists("snmp2_get")) && ($version == 2)) {
}else if ((function_exists("snmp3_get")) && ($version == 3)) {
}else if ((($version == 2) || ($version == 3)) && (file_exists(read_config_option("path_snmpget")))) {
}else if (function_exists("snmpget")) {
/* last resort (hopefully it isn't a 64-bit result) */
}else if (file_exists(read_config_option("path_snmpget"))) {
/* looks like snmp is broken */
Edited Code in Bold.
Here is the error when i do a verbose query on the SNMP - Interface Statistics
Code: Select all
+ Running data query [1].
+ Found type = '3' [snmp query].
+ Found data query XML file at '/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/cacti/resource/snmp_queries/interface.xml'
+ XML file parsed ok.
+ Executing SNMP walk for list of indexes @ '.'
+ No SNMP data returned
+ Found data query XML file at '/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/cacti/resource/snmp_queries/interface.xml'
+ Found data query XML file at '/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/cacti/resource/snmp_queries/interface.xml'
+ Found data query XML file at '/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/cacti/resource/snmp_queries/interface.xml'