SNMP help

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SNMP help

Post by EinsteinTaylor »

First off...I have cacti installed and working fine. It is graphing all of my Cisco routers no problem using the built in templates. I am also trying to monitor several more servers and I want to do it using SNMP instead of scripts etc...

The SNMP part is working fine when I add the new device. I am having a heck of a time figuring out how to set things up so that I can give it a particular OIB and have it graph it. I can run it from the command line using snmpwalk and I get results, but I just dont know cacti well enough.

I have searched these forums, and read as much as I can find with no luck. LVM's guide seemed the closest but didnt quite get me there either. I'm hoping to be able to just specify it in the interface without having to load XML templates, etc...

Can anyone help, or point me towards a post I didnt find before...

Million Thanks
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Post by alamp »

If you just want to graph one OID per snmp, its simple:

- First, create a host with IP-Adress, snmp port and community on the "Devices" screen

- Next, create a new data source with "SNMP generic OID template" and the host you created before. click on create and fill out the neccesary info like "data source type" (usually a COUNTER) and of course the OID you used in snmpwalk. (I think its best to use numerically OIDs)

- Next, create a new graph under graph management, again with SNMP generic OID as template and the host you've created in step 1. Click on create and select the data source you've created in step 2 and fill the other fields with some useful information.

- Last, go to Graph trees, click on "Default Tree" and then click on "add". Select "host" as the tree item type and select the host you've created in step 1.

Now you should see the host in the graph view and if all goes well after a few minutes (after the poller ran through cron) the graph should appear.

If no graph appears, check the host status in "devices". If "down" try to find out why. (tcpdump, logfiles, etc)

Maybe there are simpler ways to do that but this is how i do it ...

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Location: Albuquerque, NM

Post by EinsteinTaylor »

Thanks man...that seems to have done it...I think I may have to tweak the scale and stuff, but i'm getting data. it created the rrd template with the wrong permisssions so I had to fix that, and then life was good.

thanks a million


The permissions issue was because I had ran the poller as root from the CLI instead of as cacti user...

Thanks again...You're my hero
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