Template Revision history

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Template Revision history

Post by doublek »

It would be nice to have a revision history on templates, data sources and items of that nature. I am finding that admin users are editing templates, incorrectly, and not owning up to the change. Thus snowballing down hill to all graphs. Locking users out is not an option because edits need to be made by multiple users. Having a revision history of some type would be nice to correctly train personel and identify problem users.

Item, Editor, Date/Time.


Template(SNMP Interface), doublek, 9/4/06 13:00
DS(outages), badbeeker, 9/1/06 14:00
DS(outages),doublek,9/1/06 08:00
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Post by rony »

Good idea....

Please post this as a feature request at http://bugs.cacti.net

[size=117][i][b]Tony Roman[/b][/i][/size]
[size=84][i]Experience is what causes a person to make new mistakes instead of old ones.[/i][/size]
[size=84][i]There are only 3 way to complete a project: Good, Fast or Cheap, pick two.[/i][/size]
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