Manual Treshold

Support questions about the Threshold plugin

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Manual Treshold

Post by neurotox »


I have recently installed thold 0.3.0 on cacti 0.8.6h and now i have a "newbie" question.

How can I add a threshold for a specific device... like a one time thresold...

Right now, i have to use "threshold templates" to add any treshold. I want to be able to add tresold directly for a device without creating a template.

Is it possible?


Also, I don't understand this: "To add more elements - go to:
'Data Sources' -> 'select a host' (on top) -> and click the 'Template Name / Click for THold' section for the desired element"

Can some explain it to me please?

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Post by Decombej »

Follow these screenshots:
Go to Management-> DataSources
Go to Management-> DataSources
MWSnap136.jpg (4.92 KiB) Viewed 2478 times
Click on the Template Name
Click on the Template Name
MWSnap137.jpg (9.92 KiB) Viewed 2480 times
[[color=darkblue]Debian 3.1 | Cacti 0.8.6h | Cactid 0.8.6g | Mysql 4.0.24 | PHP 4.3 with eAccelerator v0.9.4 | Apache 1.3 | Plugin Arch...[/color]]
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