backup - question

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backup - question

Post by tecker2010 »


i tried to backup my cacti-server. so i use the mysqldump command and save my cacti.sql in another directory. then i killed my database (to test!) and follow the steps of the cacti-installation-manual again. after all i copy my saved cacti.sql back into my new directory and it seems to work. but i have only my localhost-graphs back, not my devices. old rra-files are there. what was my mistake? is there another file which includes all settings and has to be backup as well??

greetings from berlin
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Post by fmangeant »


it sounds like you imported the cacti.sql file which ships with Cacti...

Can you drop / create the database again, and import the "right" cacti.sql ?
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Backup / Restore

Post by kwabbernoot »


Could you please provide more details about your procedure ?
Does your cacti.sql dump file contain device information ?

Remark: the scripts/rrd files are not stored in the DB you need to back them up using tar or other means of file archiving

My Backup/Restore procedure works as follows:
@ Scheduled times
- Dump of Cacti DB using WebMin MySQL Interface (using a WebMin DB Backup schedule)
- Tar/Gzip Cacti installation directory (using a cron job)

When restoring:
- Create a new MySQL DB that uses the same name of the old DB (when upgrading cacti the name is modified to the new version number)
- Import of the .sql cacti DB dump (using WebMin MySQL Interface)
- Creation of the MySQL cacti DB user, activation of permissions on DB
- Restore cacti.tar.gz into the webroot
- Reset user permissions to cacti user on <path_cacti>/cacti/rra and /log file if needed
- Configuration of cacti Web space in apache
- Start using Cacti

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Post by tecker2010 »

i did it again and think it works.

my steps:

- mysqldump -u root cacti > backup.sql
- copy of the whole directory elsewhere
- killed the DB (mysql> drop database cacti;) and delete directory of cacti

- copy saved directory to my /www/html/
- copy saved backup.sql to cacti.sql in /var/html/cacti
- cacti-installation-steps
- mysqladmin --user=root create cacti
- mysql cacti < cacti.sql
- mysql> Grant al on cacti.* to ....;
- mysql> flush privileges;

and that was all.
after opening my webbrowser and logging in, i had my graphs and devices back and they go on with graphing as well.

now i have to look for a script to backup .sql anddirectory in a peridically way and not manual.

are these steps ok? i' am open for any suggestions ;)
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Post by fmangeant »

tecker2010 wrote:now i have to look for a script to backup .sql anddirectory in a peridically way and not manual.

are these steps ok? i' am open for any suggestions ;)
I'm using this script to dump the Cacti database :

Code: Select all

$ cat
YEAR=`date +%Y`
MONTH=`date +%m`
DAY=`date +%d`
echo "Dump of $DAY-$MONTH-$YEAR"
mkdir -p /cacti/dumps_mysql/$YEAR/$MONTH > /dev/null 2>&1
mysqldump -u root --password=xxxx cacti > /cacti/dumps_mysql/$YEAR/$MONTH/cacti-$DAY-$1.dmp

bzip2 /cacti/dumps_mysql/$YEAR/$MONTH/cacti-$DAY-$1.dmp
I run it twice a day, at 12pm and 00pm.

RRD files are backuped with Veritas NetBackup.
[color=green]HOWTOs[/color] :
[list][*][url=]Install and configure the Net-SNMP agent for Unix[/url]
[*][url=]Install and configure the Net-SNMP agent for Windows[/url]
[*][url=]Graph multiple servers using an SNMP proxy[/url][/list]
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[list][*][url=]Multiple CPU usage for Linux[/url]
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Post by tecker2010 »

thanks, but i tried another script and it works

but with #!/bin/sh instead of #!/bin/bash

with bash i get the error 'bash: configure : /bin/sh^M: bad interpreter: no such file or directory', but no idea why. the main thing is that the backup works :)
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