2 system of pollers

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2 system of pollers

Post by gthe »

Excuse for my English :oops:

I. There is an idea to create 2 various systems of interrogation:
1. for snmp data;
2. for check device status (up/down).
and, 2 separate intervals of interrogation.
interaval for snmp - 5 min, for check status - 30 sec:
0:00:00 - check status and snmp poller;
0:00:30 - check status poller;
0:01:00 - check status poller;
0:01:30 - check status poller;
0:02:00 - check status poller;
0:04:30 - check status poller;
0:05:00 - check status and snmp poller;

Check Status сan be icmp or snmp ping.

II. The second idea - to add one more condition of the device - "downing" - analogue "Recovering", to see what device has not answered last interrogation
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Post by cigamit »

Currently the monitor plugin contains a "fast" poller, which is a modified version of the poller which only updates the status of the device, and does not poll for anything else. You can use that to poll every 30 seconds or every minute.
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